Background: Wounds are discontinuous conditions on the skin, mucosal surfaces, or tissue parts of organs. The high incidence of wounds is one of the health problems in Indonesia that needs to be handled properly. The wound healing process involves various substances, such as pro-inflammatory agents IL-6, TGFα, ROS (indicated by the MDA marker), NF-ĸB, and Nrf2. Agents are needed to suppress the pathological effects of ROS, namely antioxidants such as ethanol in propolis, to suppress the production of ROS.
Objective: To examine the effect of propolis ethanol extract doses on MDA and NF-ĸB levels in the proliferation phase of wound healing in white rats using a granulation tissue model.
Methods: Experimental research with post-test-only control group design. Samples amounted to 24 white rats as experimental animals. Experimental granulation tissue wound model animals that met the restriction criteria became the research sample. Experimental animals were then given treatment based on group division. The groups were divided into 4, namely the control group (PK0) which was not given treatment, treatment group 1 (PK1) with propolis administration of EEP dose 200mg/kgBW, treatment group 2 (PK2) EEP 400mg/kgBW, and treatment group 3 (PK3) EEP 800mg/kgBW. Observation and treatment were given for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, IHC MDA and NF-kB examinations were carried out. Data analysis used the Kruskal Wallis Test and post hoc tests were carried out using the Mann-Whitney Test.
Results: The results of the study showed that the average expression at MDA and NF-kB levels were in the control group (150.00 and 123.33), EEP 200mg/kgBW group (46.67 and 22.50), EEP 400mg/kgBW group (38.33 and 40.83), and EEP 800mg/kgBW group (33.33 and 38.33). The research data did not meet the parametric test, so data analysis was done using a non-parametric test. There were significant differences in IHC MDA (p=0.003) and NF-kB (p=0.008) expression between groups. Then continued with the Mann-Whitney test, statistically significant differences were obtained in: the control group with EEP 200mg/kgBW (p=0.004 and p=0.004), control with EEP 400mg/kgBW (p=0.004 and p=0.004), and control with EEP 800mg/kgBW (p=0.004 and p=0.018). Meanwhile, the values between treatment groups were not statistically significantly different because the p-value>0.05.
Conclusion: Propolis administration can reduce MDA and NF-κB expression. A propolis dose of 200 mg/kgBW is an effective dose to reduce MDA and NF-κB levels. There was no significant difference in the decrease in MDA and NF-κB levels after administration of a 200 mg propolis dose compared to a dose of 400 mg or 800 mg.
Keywords: Propolis Extract, ethanol, MDA, NF-κB, wound healing
Latar Belakang: Luka merupakan kondisi diskontinu pada kulit, permukaan mukosa atau bagian jaringan hingga organ. Angka kejadian luka yang tinggi menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan di Indonesia yang perlu ditangani dengan baik. Proses penyembuhan luka melibatkan berbagai substansi, seperti agen-agen proinflamasi IL-6, TGFα, ROS (yang ditunjukkan oleh marker MDA), NF-ĸB, dan Nrf2. Untuk menekan efek patologis ROS, diperlukan agen untuk menekan produksi dari ROS, yaitu antioksidan seperti ethanol pada propolis.
Tujuan: Meneliti efek dosis ekstrak ethanol propolis terhadap kadar MDA dan NF-ĸB pada fase proliferasi penyembuhan luka tikus putih model jaringan granulasi.
Metode: Penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan post-test only control group design. Sampel berjumlah 24 ekor tikus putih sebagai hewan coba. Hewan coba model luka jaringan granulasi yang memenuhi kriteria restriksi menjadi sampel penelitian. Hewan coba kemudian diberikan perlakuan berdasarkan pembagian kelompok. Kelompok dibagi menjadi 4 yaitu kelompok kontrol (PK0) yang tidak diberikan perlakuan, kelompok perlakuan 1 (PK1) dengan pemberian propolis dosis EEP 200mg/kgBB, kelompok perlakuan 2 (PK2) EEP 400mg/kgBB, dan kelompok perlakuan 3 (PK3) EEP 800mg/kgBB. Pengamatan dan perlakuan diberikan selama 2 minggu. Setelah 2 minggu dilakukan pemeriksaan IHC MDA dan NF-kB. Analisa data menggunakan Uji Kruskal Wallis dan dilakukan uji post hoc menggunakan Uji Mann Whitney.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata ekspresi IHC pada kadar MDA dan NF-kB secara berurutan adalah kelompok kontrol (150,00 dan 123,33), kelompok EEP 200mg/kg BB (46,67 dan 22,50), kelompok EEP 400mg/kgBB (38,33 dan 40,83), dan kelompok EEP 800mg/kgBB (33,33 dan 38,33). Data penelitian tidak memenuhi uji parametrik maka analisa data dilakukan dengan uji non-parametrik. Didapatkan perbedaan signifikan terkait ekspresi IMDA (p=0,003) dan NF-kB (p=0,008) antar kelompok. Kemudian dilanjutkan uji Mann Whitney didapatkan perbedaan signifikan secara statistik pada: kelompok kontrol dengan EEP 200mg/kgBB (p=0,004 dan p=0,004), kontrol dengan EEP 400mg/kgBB (p=0,004 dan p=0,004), dan kontrol dengan EEP 800mg/kgBB (p=0,004 dan p=0,018). Sedangkan, nilai antar kelompok perlakuan tidak berbeda signifikan secara statistik karena nilai p>0.05.
Kesimpulan: Pemberian propolis dapat menurunkan Ekspresi MDA dan NF-κB. Dosis propolis sebesar 200 mg/kgBB merupakan dosis efektif untuk menurunkan kadar MDA dan NF-κB. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada penurunan kadar MDA dan NF-κB setelah pemberian dosis propolis 200 mg dibanding dengan dosis 400 mg maupun 800 mg.
Kata kunci: Ekstrak Propolis, ethanol, MDA, NF-κB, penyembuhan luka