
Aplikasi biaya perjalanan (travel cost) pada wisata alam studi kasus : air terjun Jumog Kabupaten Karanganyar

Oleh :
Adhianto Pramudhito - F0106090 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT This study is aimed to assess the potential of nature tourism Waterfall Jumog based on the amount of consumer surplus as the total value of benefits from Jumog Waterfall, also the large number of Willingness to Pay (WTP) of visitors to the facility development activities, and to know whether the variables of income, education, travel expenses, distance, time significantly influence the rate of visits per 1000 population per year. This study uses the method of travel costs, with the aim to know the socio-economic characteristics, trends in the number of visitors each year, and also to know the consumer surplus, and the effect of variable travel costs, income, education, distance and age to the degree level visits per 1000 population with empirical model Log-log form using the Ordinary Least Squraes (OLS). This study uses respondents sample for 110 people, with selection using probability sampling. The analysis shows that the size of the Trend of Jumog Waterfall visitors show 56,613 people improvement each year. Total value of benefits Jumog Waterfall admission at zero fare is Rp 74,578,534.33, -, while the total value of consumer surplus or total value of benefits per year on the normal fare rate of Rp 3000, - amounting to USD 33,348,187, 12, -. Results from empirical models used in variable travel costs and revenues amounted to -11.77% -5.20%, significant at 5% to variable levels of visits per 1000 population per year The conclusion that can be drawn from this research that is improving facilities need to be considered given the outbound portion of the visitors are teenagers, a lack of ad campaigns, and the need for special occasions to increase the number of visitors. Researchers suggest further research using contingent valuation method (CV) to assess the total economic value, both use value and non-use value of the presence Jumog Waterfall. Keywords: Total value of benefits, Tavel cost method, Willingness to pay, Jumog Waterfall.