
The effectiveness of group-discussion using word wall to teach reading viewed from students’ interest

Oleh :
Sulistiyani Dyah Purwaningsih - S890907028 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at finding whether (1) group-discussion using word wall is more effective than expository teaching model to teach reading or not, (2) students’ reading competence of the students having high interest are better than those having low interest or not, (3) there is an interaction between the teaching methods and students’ interest or not. The research was carried out at SD N 01 Gawanan and SD N 01 Tohudan Colomadu Karanganyar, from November 2008 to January 2010. The research method used was an experimental study. The population was the fifth graders of elementary schools in Colomadu Karanganyar in the 2008-2009 academic year. The samples were the fifth graders of SD N 01 Gawanan and SD N 01 Tohudan. The sample was taken by using the purposive cluster random sampling technique. The techniques of collecting data are a non-test (a questionnaire) and a test technique (a reading test). The questionnaire consisted of 46 items with five options, while the reading test consisted of 40 items with four options. These instruments were valid and reliable after both were tried-out in another school in Colomadu. The data were the results of the reading test, which were analyzed by multifactor analysis of variance 2 x 2. After that, the data are analyzed by using Tukey test. The Tukey test functions to determine which method is better or more effective. Based on the result of inferential analysis of the data, there are some findings that can be drawn. First, group-discussion using word wall is more effective than expository teaching model for teaching foreign reading. Second, reading competence of students with high interest is higher than students with low interest. Third, there is an interaction between the teaching methods and interest. The conclusion of the research is that group-discussion using word wall is an effective method to increase students’ reading competence in SDN 01 Tohudan Colomadu Karanganyar. The implication of the research is that group-discussion using word wall is an effective method to be implemented in teaching reading so that the students’ reading competence improved.