Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat perpindahan merek pada operator selular dari provider lain ke Exelcomindo (studi pada mahasiswa Universitas Sebelas Maret)
Oleh :
Alghany Nur Annafi - F1206062 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Purpose of this research to know product attribute factor influence, price, promotion, product supply, failure service, and recommendation to intention of brand transfer.
This research is research of kausal with survey method. Target of population in this research is university student Sebelas Maret Surakarta having intention to make a move brand to product Exelcomindo. Sample taken 130 responders ( result from calculation by using level of significance 5% and mistake boundary 10%). Sampling technique applied is accidental sampling. Analysis applies regression.
Based on data analysis obtained result : 1) there is influence signifikan between product attributes to intention of brand transfer, 2) there is influence signifikan between the price of to brand transfer intentions, 3) there is influence that is is not signifikan between promotions to intention of brand transfer, 4) there is influence signifikan between supplies of product to intention of brand transfer, 5) there is influence that is is not signifikan between failures of service to intention of brand transfer, 6) there is influence that is is not signifikan between recommendations to intention of brand transfer, 7) there is influence signifikan between product attributes, price, promotion, product supply, failure service, and recommendation to intention of brand transfer.
Suggestion : 1) the side of exelcomindo is expected to earns always takes care of product supply, 2) the side of exelcomindo is expected able to improve the promotion, 3) the side of indosat is expected able to correct the service that the consumer earns more loyal.
Keyword : product attribute, price, promotion, product supply, failure service, recommendation, intention of brand transfer.