Pembelajaran kimia dengan model stad melalui teknik peta konsep dan puzzle ditinjau dari interaksi sosial dan kemampuan memori (studi kasus pembelajaran kimia pada materi sistem koloid klas XI semester 2 SMA N 1 Karas Magetan tahun 2008/2009)
Oleh :
Suwarna - S830908154 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui : (1) pengaruh Pembelajaran dengan teknik peta konsep dan teknik Puzzle terhadap prestasi belajar, (2). Pengaruh kemampuan memori terhadap prestasi belajar, (3). Pengaruh interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar, (4). Interaksi teknik peta konsep dan teknik Puzzle dengan kemampuan memori terhadap prestasi belajar. (5). Interaksi teknik peta konsep dan teknik Puzzle dengan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar, (6). Interaksi antara kemampuan memori siswa dengan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar (7). Interaksi teknik peta konsep dan puzzle ,dengan kemampuan memori dan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar .
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen melalui teknik peta konsep dan teknik Puzzle. Desain faktorial 2x2x2 dan pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket interaksi sosial,tes kemampuan memori dan prestasi belajar. Uji validitas instrumen prestasi belajar menggunakan korelasi product moment Pearson dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan Kuder – Rucharson ( K-R20 ). Reliabilitas angket menggunakan uji koefisien alpa ( α ),Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan anava tiga jalan sel tak sama dengan bantuan softwere minitab versi 15 metode GLM. Uji lanjut anava menggunakan uji Scheffe.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa : (1). Tidak ada pengaruh teknik peta konsep dan puzzle terhadap prestasi belajar ( Fobs = 1,67 dan P-value 0,204 > 0,05 ) . (2). Ada pengaruh kemampuan memori terhadap prestasi belajar ( Fobs = 4,81 atau P – value = 0,032 < 0,05 ), (3). Tidak ada pengaruh interaksi sosial siswa terhadap prestasi belajar ( Fobs = 0,35 dan P-value 0,558 > 0,05 ). (4). Tidak ada interaksi teknik peta konsep dan puzzle dengan kemampuan memori terhadap prestasi belajar ( Fobs = 5,66 dan P-value 0,310 > 0,05 ). (5). Tidak ada interaksi teknik peta konsep dan puzzle dengan intaraksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar ( F obs = 3,33 dan P-value 0,073 > 0,05 ) (6). Ada interaksi kemampuan memori dengan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar (Fobs = 10,05 atau P-value = 0,002 < 0,05 ). (7). Tidak ada interaksi teknik peta konsep dan puzzle dengan kemampuan memori dan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar ( Fobs = 2,36 dan P-value = 0,130 > 0,05 ).
Berdasarkan analisa komparansi ganda menggunakan metode Scheffe satu jalan disimpulkan bahwa siswa dengan kemampuan memori tinggi berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar. Demikian juga ada interaksi antara kemampuan memori dengan interaksi sosial terhadap prestasi belajar.
The aims of this research are to find out: (1) the effect of learning with the concept mapping and puzzle techniques on the learning achievement, (2)the effect of memory ability on the learning achievement, (3) the effect of social interaction on the learning achievement, (4) the interaction of the concept mapping and puzzle techniques and the memory ability towards the learning achievement, (5) the interaction of the concept mapping and puzzle techniques and the social interaction towards the learning achievement, (6) the interaction of the memory ability and the social interaction towards the learning achievement, and (7) the interaction of the concept mapping and puzzle techniques, the memory ability and the social interaction towards the learning achievement.
This research used an experimental method through the concept mapping and puzzle techniques. Its factorial design was 2 x 2 x 2. Its data were gathered by using the questionnaire of social interaction, the test of memory ability, and the test of learning achievement. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by using the alpha coefficient test (α). The validity and reliability of the learning achievement test was tested by using the Pearson’s product moment correlation formula and Kuder-Rucharson (K-R20). The hypotheses of the research were tested by using a three-way analysis of variance with unequal cell aided by the computer software of minitab, version 15, GLM method. The advanced test of the analysis of variance used the Scheffe test.
The results of the research are as follows. 1) There is not any effect of learning with the concept mapping and puzzle techniques on the learning achievement (Fobs = 1.67 and P-value 0.204 > 0.05). 2) There is an effect of the memory ability on the learning achievement (Fobs = 4.81 and P-value 0.032 > 0.05). 3) There is not any effect of the social interaction on the learning achievement (Fobs = 0.35 and P-value 0.558 > 0.05). 4) There is not any interaction of the concept mapping and puzzle techniques and the memory ability towards the learning achievement (Fobs = 5.66 and P-value 0.310 > 0.05). 5) There is not any interaction of the concept mapping and puzzle techniques and the social interaction towards the learning achievement (Fobs = 3.33 and P-value 0.073 > 0.05). 6) There is an interaction of the memory ability and the social interaction towards the learning achievement (Fobs = 10.05 and P-value 0.002 > 0.05). (7) There is not any interaction of the concept mapping and puzzle techniques, the memory ability and the social interaction towards the learning achievement (Fobs = 2.36 and P-value 0.130 > 0.05).
Based on the multiple comparative analysis by using the Scheffe’s one-way method, a conclusion is drawn that the memory ability has an effect on the learning achievement in the core learning material of colloid system. In addition, there is an interaction of the memory ability and the social interaction towards the learning achievement.