
Efektifitas kinerja Badan Permusyawaratan Rakyat (BPD) dalam membuat peraturan desa di Gumpang Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Mardiyana - K6402036 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT Mardiyana. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF VILLAGE CONFERENCE BODY (BPD) PERFORMANCE IN DEVELOPING VILLAGE REGULATION IN GUMPANG SUBDISTRICT KARTASURA REGENCY SUKOHARJO. Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Surakarta Sebelas Maret University, 2010. The objective of research is to find out: (1) the performance of BPD in developing village regulation in Gumpang Subdistrict Kartasura Regency Sukoharjo, and (2) factors affecting the effectiveness of BPD’s performance in developing village regulation in Gumpang Subdistrict Kartasura Regency Sukoharjo. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. The population of research was 4944 citizens with vote and 11 members of Gumpang BPD. The sample was taken using combination sampling technique, with 100 respondents from various professions. (1) Non-proportional cluster sampling was used for examining the aspiration form of populations with different background. (2) Purposive sampling was used to screen information as much as possible from a variety of sources considered knowledgeable in-depth about the problem. Techniques of collecting data employed were observation, interview, individual and group, questionnaire and documentation. The data validity technique used was data triangulation. Technique of analyzing data employed was an interactive qualitative analysis method. The report of research result was presented in the form of explanation revealed factually based on the fact and reality existing and also in the form of table of questionnaire result for detailing further the result of finding in the field. The result of research shows that: (1) the performance of BPD in developing village regulation in Gumpang has not fulfilled its performance effectiveness, in which the Village regulation is not consistent with the society’s economic condition and the lack of cooperation among the members of Gumpang’s BPD. (2) Factors affecting the effectiveness of BPD’s performance in developing village regulation include: (1) work satisfaction, (2) work program, (3) cooperation, (4) human resource and (5) organizational structure, in which the one becoming the financial factor of BPD’s performance effectiveness in developing the village regulation is Cooperation.