
Kajian model genesis faktor dominan lokasi tanah alfisols kecamatan Jatiyoso kabupaten Karanganyar

Oleh :
Noorwita Susanti - H0205008 - Fak. Pertanian

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Jatiyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Propinsi Jawa Tengah pada bulan Juli-September 2009. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor dominan lokasi yang mempengaruhi genesis tanah Alfisols dengan menggunakan model genesis faktor dominan lokasi, dan tingkat perkembangan tanah Alfisols di Kecamatan Jatiyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif yang pendekatan variabelnya dilakukan melalui survei lapang dan didukung data hasil analisis tanah di laboratorium. Analisis statistika yang digunakan adalah Principal Component Analysis untuk mengetahui faktor dominan lokasi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap genesis tanah Alfisols dan model kestabilan genetik “Eberhart dan Russell” untuk mengetahui tingkat perkembangan tanah Alfisols pada masing-masing satuan peta tanah (SPT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persamaan model genesis faktor dominan lokasi tanah Alfisols pada satuan peta tanah (SPT) II adalah tanah = 7.50 - 1.50 Vegetasi; satuan peta tanah (SPT) III adalah tanah = 0.500 + 0.643 Corganik; satuan peta tanah (SPT) IV adalah tanah = 7.00 - 1.50 Vegetasi; dan satuan peta tanah (SPT) VI adalah tanah = 5.00 - 1.00 Ntotal. Perkembangan tanah paling stabil terdapat pada satuan peta tanah (SPT) VI yaitu seri BERUK WETAN (Famili Inseptic Hapludalfs, clayey kaolinitic, active, cation exchange capacity medium, sub active, slightly acid, hyperthermic). Satuan peta tanah (SPT) IV seri PETUNG (Famili Inceptic hapludalf, clayey kaolinitic, active, cation exchange capacity medium, sub active, slightly acid, hyperthermic) merupakan satuan peta tanah (SPT) yang perkembangan tanahnya paling tidak stabil. Kata kunci : model genesis faktor dominan lokasi, model kestabilan genetik, Alfisols ABSTRACT This research has been conducted at Jatiyoso, sub district of Karanganyar, province Jawa Tengah from July until September 2009. The aim of this research is to know dominant location factor to influence the soil genesis of Alfisols uses dominant factor genesis model location and degree of soil Alfisols development at Jatiyoso sub district of Karanganyar. This research was descriptive-explorative research, which the variables approached by field survey and supported by laboratory analysis. The site of sampling on the field determined by soil mapping unit. This research uses statistical Principal Component Analysis to know dominant location factor which the most influence the soil genesis of Alfisols and stability model “Eberhart-Rusell” to knows degree of soil Alfisols development for each soil mapping unit. The result of this research it can be concluded that the equalization of dominant location factor genesis model of Alfisols soil in the 2nd soil mapping unit is soil = 7.5 - 1.5 vegetations; the 3rd soil mapping unit is soil = 0.50 + 0.643 Corganic; the 4th soil mapping unit is soil = 7.0 – 1.5 vegetations; and the 6th is soil = 5.0 – 1.0 Ntotal. The most stable in soil development is the 6th soil mapping unit BERUK WETAN series (Inseptic Hapludalfs, clayey kaolinitic, active, cation exchange capacity medium, sub active, slightly acid, hyperthermic family). Even though, the 4th soil mapping unit PETUNG series (Inceptic hapludalfs, clayey kaolinitic, active, cation exchange capacity medium, sub active, slightly acid, hyperthermic family) was the most unstable soil development. Keyword : dominant location factor genesis model, genetic stability model, Alfisols