Perbedaan efektivitas obat kumur chlorhexidine dan methylsalicylate dalam menurunkan jumlah koloni bakteri rongga mulut
Oleh :
Ajeng Destian Suparwi - G0006035 - Fak. Kedokteran
Pendahuluan: Chlorhexidine telah banyak digunakan sebagai bahan aktif di dalam obat kumur, sedangkan Methylsalicylate termasuk salah satu jenis essential oil yang masih jarang digunakan. Cara kerja yang berbeda dari kedua bahan aktif itulah yang mendorong penulis untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas diantara keduanya.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental kuasi dengan rancangan pretest and posttest controlled group design. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi UNS. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive quota sampling, 34 sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok (n=17/kelompok). Kelompok I berkumur dengan menggunakan Chlorhexidine dan kelompok II berkumur dengan menggunakan Methylsalicylate. Hasil kumuran ditanam dalam media nutrient agar plate dan diinkubasi dalam suhu 37˚C selama 24 jam. Kemudian hasil biakan dihitung dengan menggunakan alat colony counter.
Hasil Penelitian: Hasil uji T berpasangan dari Chlorhexidine atau Methylsalicylate di atas dengan kontrol yang berkumur hanya dengan aquadest adalah bermakna, yakni p<0.05. Hasil uji T tidak berpasangan tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna antara penurunan jumlah koloni bakteri rongga mulut setelah berkumur dengan Chlorhexidine dan Methylsalicylate (p=0.275).
Simpulan Penelitian: Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara obat kumur Chlorhexidine dan Methylsalicylate dalam menurunkan jumlah koloni bakteri rongga mulut.
Introduction: Chlorhexidine has commonly used as an active substance in mouthwash more than Methylsalicilate that one of eesential oil. The aim of this research is to show the efficacy differences of Chlorhexidine and Methylsalicylate mouthwash in reducing the quantity of oral bacterial colony because of their differences in their work.
Methods: This research was an quasi experimental with pretest and posttest controlled group design.This research held in Microbiology Lab Sebelas Maret University. Samples were thirty four collegians that divided into two groups,and use purposive quota sampling in choosing the sample. The first group, gargled with Chlorhexidine mouthwash and the other with Methylsalicylate mouthwash. The gargling product was cultured in nutrient agar plate medium and incubated on 37˚C term in 24 hours. Then the culture counted with colony counter.
Results: A significant result is showed in paired T test between control that gargling with aquadest and Chlorhexidine or Methylsalicylate. The result of independent sample T test shows that there was not a significant difference between the quantity of oral bacterial colony after gargling with Chlorhexidine and Methylsalicylate mouthwash (p=0.275).
Conclusion: There were not a significant difference between Chlorhexidine and Methylsalicylate in reducing the quantity of oral bacterial colony.
Key words: Clorhexidine mouthwash, Methylsalicylate mouthwash, quantity of oral bacterial colony.