Oleh :
Eling Setiadi - X2208513 - Fak. KIP
This research is a classroom action research. The objectives of this study
are to know whether discussion can improve the students’ speaking skill or not and to
know some obstacles probably occurred in the process of teaching speaking through
discussion. The problem highlighted in the research is the low of students’ speaking
skill at the first grade students of SMK N 1 Kejobong in academic year 2009/2010.
This research was carried out in X Computer Engineering and Network
class. The procedure of the research consists of planning, action, observation, and
reflection. In this study, the writer was the practitioner who implemented the
discussion technique in teaching learning process. The data are in form of qualitative
and quantitative. The quantitative data are taken from the test conducted before and
after the actions are implemented. The qualitative data are taken from the result of
observation done by the observer while the actions are being carried out.
In this study, the writer found that the problems came from the teacher
and the students. The research showed that the teacher was less creative in delivering
material. It made students bored in the teaching learning process. He did not involve
all students to take role during teaching learning process, so most of them were
passive. Besides the teacher, the problems also came from the students. They still got
difficulties in using grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It was seen in the
process of teaching learning. It seemed that the students lacked of participation and
self confidence in speaking class.
Having collected the data, the writer analyzes the data. In this study, the
writer finds that discussion technique can improve students’ speaking skill. It can be
seen on students’ performance during teaching and learning process. Students became
more active and all students were involved in teaching learning process. It created a
better circumstance. Students were more enthusiastic in joining the lesson, so the
class became more alive. Furthermore, there was also improvement in students’
achievement. The mean score in pre-test 4.22 increased to 6.76. Thus, the result of the
research shows that discussion technique can improve students’ speaking skill in
order to become one of appropriate ways in teaching speaking.
Practically, discussion is one of appropriate techniques to improve students’
speaking skill which has a view that students are active learners. It is considered that
students learn best when they are personally involved in the teaching experience.
Through discussion technique, the students can share ideas, information, or opinion to
the other friends. The environment will not be threatening so that the learners are
eager to communicate. Teaching speaking through discussion also provides an
opportunity to develop accuracy, fluency and keep the learners highly motivated.