Improving elementary school students’ vocabulary mastery through language games ( a classroom action research in the fifth grade of SDN III Jaten Wonogiri in 2007/2008 academic year )
Oleh :
Ernawati - K2202025 -
This study is aimed to know whether games could improve the quality of
teaching – learning process of the fifth grade of SDN III Jaten and could improve
the students’ vocabulary mastery in English subject. Related to the elementary
students’ characteristics as the young learners, games are considered as the most
appropriate media that can be used to increase their motivation and interest to
study English, especially vocabulary.
The study is a classroom action research conducted at SDN III Jaten
Wonogiri. The writer used the fifth grade students as the subject of the research.
In conducting this classroom action research, the writer divided the action into
two cycles and carried out four steps, namely action plan, action implementation,
observation and reflection.
The data were taken from the result of observation done by the teacher
while the actions were being carried out, and from the result of test after the
cycles had been implemented. Having collected the data, the writer then analyzed
the data. In this study, first the writer found that the students became active during
the lesson; it means that the quality of teaching – learning process improved. And
second, from the result of the test after the cycles had been implemented, the
teacher found that the students’ achievement improved. The target of this study is
70 % of the student can reach 65 for the test ( 65 is the minimum passing score ).
In the first cycle only 50 % of the students could reach the target, whereas in the
second cycle 80 % of the students could reach the target. It means that the target
was already reached. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the use of
games improves the elementary students’ achievement in learning English
especially in vocabulary mastery. The improvement is quite significant which is
reflected from the progress of students’ scores from the first cycle to the second
Based on the research finding above, at the end of this research the writer
proposes some suggestions for English teacher in the primary classroom
especially at elementary school. First, before conducting the teaching – learning
process the teacher should recognize the students’ characteristics to choose the
suitable way or technique in conducting English. Second, it is necessary to create
interesting and enjoyable atmosphere during the class activity in order to make the
students easier in getting new English vocabularies.