
Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran akuntansi sengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe stad (student teams achievement divisions) pada kelas xi ips 1 SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta Tahun pelajaran 2009/ 2010

Oleh :
Ratih Santika Dewi - K7406126 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of cooperative learning type STAD is able to improve the accounting’s learning quality in XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta year 2009/ 2010. The research’s method is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This CAR is done in three cycles that each cycles consist of four steps, they are: (1) planning; (2) action; (3) observation; dan (4) reflection. The research’s subject is the students of XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta year 2009/ 2010 that is numbered 35 students which are consist of 23 males’ students and 12 females’ students. This research is done in a collaboration with accounting’s teacher. The observation sheet, test instrument, non-test instrument like questionnaire, interview, and documentation technique are used to collect all of the datas in this research. The results of this research is cooperative learning type STAD is able to improve the accounting’s learning quality in XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta year 2009/ 2010. It is supported by the facts, they are: (1) The student’s activation when aperception is improved from 12% (4 students) in the first cycle becoming 60% (21 students) in the second one, and improve for more becoming 74% (26 students) in the third cycle; (2) The student’s activation when discussion is improved from 34% (12 students) ) in the first cycle becoming 66% (23 students) in the second one, dan improve for more becoming 77% (27 students) in the third cycle; (3) The student’s activation when following the process of studying is improved from 57% (20 students) in the first cycle becoming 72% (25 students) in the second one, and improve for more becoming 86% (30 students) in the third cycle; (4) The activation of class presentation is improved from 34% (12 students) in the first cycle becoming 63% (22 students) in the second one, and improve for more becoming 83% (29 students) in the third cycle; (5) The result of student’s learning is fluctuated from 74% (26 students) in the first cycle becoming 57% (20 students) in the second one, and then improve becoming 80% (28 students) in the third cycle. Key words: cooperative learning type student teams achievement divisions (STAD), learning quality, accounting