
An analysis of refusal expressions in “Harry Potter and the goblet of fire” film (a socio-pragmatics approach)

Oleh :
Irena Tomi Aswari - C0305036 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT The research entitled An Analysis of Refusal Expressions in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” Film is a descriptive qualitative research using socio-pragmatics approach. The source of data in this research is “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” film and the data are the utterances containing refusal expression. The technique of collecting data was total sampling technique. This sampling technique took all of the data provided in the population as the sample of the study. This kind of sampling was used for the data going to be analyzed, which were the entire phenomena that match with the criterion of the field of the study. This research was conducted to describe the kinds of refusal expressions employed by the characters in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” film, how they express the refusal expression, and why they use such kind of way in expressing the refusal. The results of the analysis can be seen as follows: first, there are eight kinds of refusal expression which are employed by the characters in the film, namely: be silent, hesitate, show lack of enthusiasm; offer an alternative; postponement (delaying answer); put the blame on third party or something over which you have no control; avoidance; divert and distract the addressee; direct refusal without reason; and direct refusal with reason. Second, the refusals uttered by the characters in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” film are expressed directly and indirectly. Third, there are several reasons why the characters apply each kind of way to express the refusal. The reasons are to be polite and to show respect, to express feeling, to maintain a harmonious relationship, to convey the meaning of what one’s says explicitly, and to increase the force of one’s message.