
Peranann guru PKn dalam meningkatkan keaktifan siswa pada pembelajaran PKn dengan kompetensi dasar mendiskripsikan pengertian dan prinsip-prinsip budaya demokrasi di kelas XI SMA N Kebakkramat Karanganyar Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

Oleh :
Dewi Lestari - K6404019 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRAK The major objective of this students is to investigate the role of civics teacher in improving the studenys activation through the civics teaching and learning in the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat Karanganyar in academic year 2008/2009. The major objective could be broken down into sereval objectives:(1) Investigate the teacher’s role in improving the student’s activation in civics teaching and learning; and (2) Investigate the ways used by civics teacher in improving the students activation in civic teaching and learning. In the line witth the problems and the objectives of the study, the sampling used is purposive sampling since the sample being taken is not emphasized on the numberes, but it emphasizes on the rich of the information possessed by the members of the sample as the data sources. The data sources in this study covers informans or respondents, documents, place and events. The techniques in collecting the data are interview, questionnaire, observation, and documentation. To check the validity of the data, it is used data trianggulation that is source trianggulation and method trianggulation. The technique to analyze the data is interactive model consisting of tour aspects, namely data collecting, data reduction, data display, and verification. Based on the analysis of the data, it can be concluded that the roles of civics teacher in improving the students activation witthin the civics teaching and learning through the basic competence of desribing the definitation and principles of democracy culture in the eleventh grade of SMA N Kebakkramat in academy year 2008/2009 are as aneducator and as teacher. It is reflected from sereval indicators:(1) The teacher’s role in improving the students activation in civics teaching and learning is as a teacher, in which it is dominated by the roles of the teachers as a fasilitator and moderator; and (2) The ways in improving the students activation in civics teaching and learning through the basic competence of describing the definition and principles of demokrasy culture by using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). Meanwhile, the manifestation of the students activation at the eleventh grade of SMA N Kebakkramat in academic year 2009/2009 can be seen in the teaching and learning model Contextual Teaching and Learning of covering the students activity in a form of question answer and discussion.