Peningkatan pemahaman konsep gaya gesek melalui pembelajaran quantum pada siswa kelas v sd negeri 03 Koripan Matesih Karanganyar tahun pelajaran 2009/2010
Oleh :
Wahyu Setiawan - X7108782 - Fak. KIP
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep
tentang ” Gaya Gesek” dalam pembelajaran IPA melalui model quantum pada
siswa kelas V SD Negeri 03 Koripan, Kecamatan Matesih, Kabupaten
Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2009/ 2010.
Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas sebanyak tiga
siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 03 Koripan, Matesih,
Karanganyar dengan jumlah siswa 24 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data
menggunakan observasi (pengamatan), wawancara, kajian dokumen, dan tes.
Faliditas data menggunakan trianggulasi teknik dan sumber.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Nilai rata-rata kelas kemampuan tentang
gaya gesek pada aspek kemampuan memahami konsep gaya gesek 57%,
Kemampuan membandingkan gerak benda pada permukaan yang berbeda 54%,
Kemampuan mengelompokkan peralatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari 54%,
Kemampuan mendemonstrasikan berbagai cara memperbesar dan memperkecil
gaya gesek 55%, dan ketuntasan hasil belajar 55%. (2) Nilai rata-rata kelas
pemahaman tentang gaya gesek pada aspek Kemampuan memahami konsep gaya
gesek 66%, Kemampuan membandingkan gerak benda pada permukaan yang
berbeda 66%, Kemampuan mengelompokkan peralatan dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari 67%, Kemampuan mendemonstrasikan berbagai cara memperbesar dan
memperkecil gaya gesek 66%, dan ketuntasan hasil belajar 67%. (3) Nilai rata-
rata kelas pemahaman tentang gaya gesek pada aspek Kemampuan memahami
konsep gaya gesek 77%, Kemampuan membandingkan gerak benda pada
permukaan yang berbeda 78%, Kemampuan mengelompokkan peralatan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari 78%, Kemampuan mendemonstrasikan berbagai cara
memperbesar dan memperkecil gaya gesek dan menerapkan konsep gaya gesek
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari 78%, dan ketuntasan hasil belajar 77%.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Proses pembelajaran quantum
meningkatkan pemahaman konsep tentang tentang gaya gesek pada siswa kelas V
SD Negeri 03 Koripan, Matesih, Karanganyar.
The purpose of this study were (1) To determine the quantum of the
learning process to improve the ability of the "Friction" in teaching science in
elementary school students of class V in 2003 Koripan, District Matesih,
Karanganyar District Academic Year 2009/2010. (2) To increase understanding
kosep on "Friction" in learning science through quantum models of class V
students in 2003 Koripan Elementary School, District Matesih, Karanganyar
District Academic Year2009/2010.
This study uses forms of classroom action research, as many as three
cycles. The subjects of this study was class V SD Negeri 03 Koripan, Matesih,
Karanganyar with the number of students 24 children. Using observation data
collection techniques (observation), interviews, review documents, and test.
The results of this study is based on research results covering four aspects: the
ability to understand the concept of friction, ability to compare the motion of
objects on different surfaces, ability to classify the equipment in everyday life,
whether the device was needed or whether the opposite friction must minimize
friction so that the device is functioning maximally, demonstrating the ability to
zoom in and out in various ways and apply the principles of friction friction in
everyday life. Of the four aspects above has increased from every cycle. First
cycle learning outcomes achieved mastery 55%, the second cycle mastery learning
outcomes reached 67%, while the third cycle mastery learning outcomes reached
The conclusion of this study were (1) The learning process is quantum in
promoting understanding of the concept of friction on the V-class elementary
school students in 2003 Koripan, Matesih, Karanganyar form of learning, linking
the material with the real situation in everyday life. Where students are invited to
connect their existing material to real life in their surroundings. (2) model of
quantum learning can enhance understanding of the concept of friction in the
learning of science in elementary school students of class V in 2003 Koripan,
Matesih, Karanganyar. This is evidenced by the increased capacity of the
frictional force in defining, classifying, and applying the principle of friction in
everyday life.