Perancangan sistem informasi inventarisasi barang milik negara berbasis web menggunakan pemrograman PHP di jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Sebelas Maret
Oleh :
Sarifudin - I0305056 - Fak. Teknik
ABSTRAK Sistem inventarisasi barang milik negara di Jurusan Teknik Industri belum optimal. Selama ini, pengelola jurusan mengalami kesulitan dalam aktivitas inventarisasi barang seperti pencarian lokasi barang, pembaruan data inventaris, perpindahan barang, peminjaman barang dan pelaporan ke tingkat universitas. Alat bantu yang digunakan hanya berupa lembar kerja (worksheet). Adapun aplikasi sistem inventarisasi barang milik negara yang ada saat ini hanya menangani sistem inventarisasi sampai level fakultas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merancang sistem informasi inventarisasi barang milik negara di Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Perancangan sistem informasi ini terdiri dari delapan tahap, yaitu tahap analisis sistem lama, analisis kekurangan sistem, analisis kebutuhan sistem, desain sistem, desain database, desain interface, pembuatan program aplikasi dan pengujian program. Program aplikasi dirancang berbasis web dengan menggunakan pemrograman PHP. Program yang dirancang dapat diakses oleh multiuser.
Hasil pengujian program menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini berjalan dengan baik dan mendukung proses inventarisasi barang milik negara di Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Sebelas Maret. Sistem informasi ini dapat diakses di seluruh ruangan di Jurusan Teknik Industri dan memberi kemudahan dalam pembuatan laporan yang dibutuhkan di level jurusan dan universitas.
Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Inventarisasi Barang Milik Negara, Web, PHP
ABSTRACT The system of state-owned goods stocktaking in Industrial Engineering Department is not already optimal. So far, the department manager found difficulties in stocktaking the goods, Such as finding the goods location, updating the goods data, removing the goods, borrowing the goods and reporting the goods data to university. Up to now, the equipment used is only worksheet, and at that time, the system of state-owned goods stocktaking application only enables working in university and faculty. Therefore, this research designs the web-based information system for state-owned goods stocktaking in Industrial Engineering Department Sebelas Maret University.
The design of information system consists of 8 steps, they are old system analysis, lack of system analysis, system necessary analysis, system design, database design, interface design, application program building, and program application validation. The application program designed based on web using PHP. The program designed enables to be accessed by multiuser.
The results of program validation show that this application runs well and supports the state-owned goods stocktaking process in Industrial Engineering Department Sebelas Maret University. The information system can be accessed in all rooms in Industrial Engineering Department, and provides ease of making the report needed by the department and university.
Keywords: Information System, State-Owned Goods Stocktaking, Web, PHP