
A translation analysis of idioms in Sophie Kinsella’s novel, Shopaholic and Baby

Oleh :
Ficka Elfira - C0304022 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This research is a descriptive-qualitative study with an embedded case study research design. It employs total sampling technique which analyzes the sentences that contain idioms. The purposes of this research are (1) to identify the types of idioms in Sophie Kinsella’s novel, Shopaholic and Baby (2) to describe the strategis applied by the translator in translating the idioms into Indonesian (3) to measure the accuracy and acceptability of the translation of idioms into Indonesian. This research was conducted by using two kinds of data. They are primary data and secondary data. The primary data are the idioms found in Sophie Kinsella’s novel, Shopaholic& Baby and its Indonesian version Si Gila Belanja Punya Bayi. The secondary data are the result of the questionnaire which is distributed to the raters. Two method of data collection were: content analysis used to obtain data from both source and target texts and questionnaire was used to gather data of accuracy and acceptability. The accuracy and acceptability of the translated idiom were rated by three raters. The results of the data analysis show that: (1) there are 4 types of idioms found in Sophie Kinsella’s novel, Shopaholic and Baby. They are idiom in the form of compound (6.18%), phrase (46.91%), semi clause (35.80) and full clause (11.11%). (2) there are 4 strategies applied by the translator in translating the idioms into Indonesian. They are translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form (6.18%), translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form (3.70%), translation by paraphrase (87.65%), and literal translation (2.47%). Translation by paraphrase is the most dominant strategy used by the translator. Meanwhile, literal translation results inappropriate expression in the target language. (3) the accuracy of the translation of idiom is 1.11. It means that the translation of idioms is accurately conveyed into the target language. The acceptability score is 1.14. It means that the translation of idiom sounds natural, or almost does not feel like translation and familiar to the target language.