
Perbandingan gangguan memori antara pasien stroke hemisfer kanan dan kiri

Oleh :
Henry Tandow - G0006091 - Fak. Kedokteran

The aim of this research is to determine the comparison of memory deficit between the right hemisphere stroke lession patient and the left one. This research was conducted at the outpatient unit at the clinic of nerve disease in January 2010 to February 2010. This reseacrh is an analytical research with cross sectional aprroach. The number of the sample is 30 which is divided into two groups, the right and the left group using purposive random sampling. Data were obtained using the questionnaire with a guided interview technique. The obtained data is presented in table form and be analyzed using Chi Square test at the level of significance α = 0,05. The research which was conducted at the outpatient unit at the clinic of nerve disease in January 2010 to February 2010 give the result that the right side handicap having the memory deficit was 13 people (86,67%), and the rest were normal. Meanwhile, the 15 left side handicaps which had memory deficit was 7 people (46,67%) and the rest is normal (53,33%). So, there are 20 people deficit in memory (66,67%) and the rest, 10 people (33,33%) are normal, among 30 samples. While the results of data analysis have obtained X² = 5,40; so that it can be concluded statistically that there is significant difference in the case of memory deficit between the left and the right hemisphere stroke lession. The conclusion is that left hemisphere stroke lession give more memory deficit than the right one. Kata kunci: Gangguan Memori – Stroke *) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta