
Hubungan pemberian ekstrak ethanol patikan kebo (euphorbia hirta l.) Dengan kadar kolesterol serum pada tikus putih yang diinduksi streptozotocin

Oleh :
Theodora witantri kurnia dewi - G0006025 - Fak. Kedokteran

ABSTRAK Objective: This reasearch aimed to discover whether or not there was an activity performed by Euphorbia hirta L.which lowered serum cholesterol in male white rats STZ-induced and to compare the activity with glibenklamid 0,9 mg/KgBB. Methods: This research is laboratoric experimental with Post Test Only Control Group Design. It was conducted in the Biochemical Laboratory of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The subjects of this research were 24 Wistar strain male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged between two to three months and weiged between 100-200 grams. They were divided into four groups, each of which consisted of six white rats. K1 was DM group. K2 was given Euphorbia hirta L. with the dosage of 500 mg/kgBB. K3 was given Euphorbia hirta L. with the dosage of 1000 mg/kgBB. K4 was given OHO glibenklamid with the dosage of 0,9 mg/kgBB. Before the subjects were treated, they were made to undergo 18 hours of fasting. Afterwards, they were intraperitoneally induced with STZ 65 mg/KgBB. The serum cholesterol was measured after three weeks of the treatment. The data was analysed with One-Way Anova test and was continued with LSD Post Hoc Test, using SPSS for Windows Release 17 program. The difference were stated significant if the p < 0,05. Results: This research showed the mean of serum cholesterol of the first group (K1) is (157,33 mg/dl), the second group (K2) is (414,00 mg/dl), the third group (K3) is (214,67 mg/dl), and the fouth group (K4) is (214,67 mg/dl). There were significant difference between K1 group and K2 group (p=0,000), K1 group and K3 group (p=0,016), K1 group and K4 group (p=0,016), K2 group and K3 group (p=0,000), K2 group and K4 group (p=0,000). Conclussion: Euphorbia hirta L. ethanol extract at the dosage of 500 mg/KgBB and 1000 mg/KgBB did not have any effect in lowering total serum cholesterol Tujuan Penelitian: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan pemberian ekstrak ethanol Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta L.) dengan kadar kolesterol serum pada tikus putih yang diinduksi streptozotocin dan membandingkan dengan glibenklamid 0,9 mg/KgBB. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorik dengan metode Post Test Only Control Group Design. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biokimia, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah 24 ekor tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus) strain Wistar, umur 2-3 bulan, berat 100-200 gram, dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, masing-masing 6 ekor. K1 sebagai kelompok DM. K2 diberi herba Patikan Kebo dosis 500 mg/kgBB. K3 diberi herba Patikan Kebo dosis 1000 mg/kgBB. K4 diberi OHO glibenklamid dosis 0,9 mg/kgBB. Sebelum perlakuan tikus dipuasakan 18 jam, kemudian diinduksi DM dengan injeksi intraperitoneal STZ 65 mg/KgBB. Pengukuran kadar kolesterol dilakukan minggu ketiga setelah perlakuan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji statistik One-Way Anova dan dilanjutkan dengan LSD Post Hoc Test, menggunakan program SPSS for Windows Release 17. Perbedaan dikatakan signifikan bila p < 0,05. Hasil Penelitian: Penelitian ini menunjukkan rerata kadar kolesterol total serum pada kelompok K1 yaitu (157,33 mg/dl), kelompok K2 yaitu (414,00 mg/dl), kelompok K3 yaitu (214,67 mg/dl), dan kelompok K4 yaitu (214,67 mg/dl). Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok K1 dengan K2 (p=0,000), K1 dengan K3 (p=0,016), K1 dengan K4 (p=0,016), K2 dengan K3 (p=0,000), K2 dengan K4 (p=0,000). Simpulan Penelitian: Herba Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta L.) tidak mempunyai efek menurunkan kadar kolesterol serum total pada dosis 500 mg/KgBB dan 1000 mg/KgBB. Kata kunci : Patikan Kebo, kadar kolesterol, STZ