
Produksi biogas limbah cair industri tapioka melalui peningkatan suhu dan penambahan urea pada perombakan anaerob

Oleh :
Khori Ex Indarto - M0404043 - Fak. MIPA

ABSTRAK Isu lingkungan telah mendorong peningkatan perhatian pada kelestarian lingkungan dan sumber-sumber energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan. Limbah pangan berpotensi sebagai salah satu sumber energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produksi biogas dari Limbah Cair Industri Tapioka (LCIT) melalui peningkatan suhu dan penambahan urea pada kondisi anaerob. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Sub Laboratorium Biologi, laboratorium pusat MIPA Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, mulai bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2009. Biodigester digunakan jerigen plastik bervolume 5 liter dengan volume kerja 4 liter (sumber inokulum : substrat, 20% : 80%). Perlakuan percobaan diberikan dengan penambahan urea 3% dan 6% pada suhu tinggi (50ºC) dan suhu ruang (31ºC). Parameter diamati meliputi pH, suhu, COD, BOD, TS, VS, dan produksi biogas. Data hasil pengamatan di analisis dengan sidik ragam GLM univariate dan uji lanjut DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi biogas terbaik diperoleh dari substrat limbah cair industri tapioka tanpa penambahan urea yaitu sebesar 314,58 (ml/hari) biogas pada suhu tinggi (500C) dengan efisiensi reduksi organik BOD 20,7% / COD 9,63 %, dan efisiensi reduksi organik TS 21,3% / VS 16,4%. ABSTRACT Environmental issue has emerged the increasing of attention on environment preservation and renewable sources energy which is safe to the environment. Food waste has been potensial as one of the energy alternative sources. The study aims to determine the biogas production of tapioca industrial liquid waste by the increasing temperature and supplementation urea on anaerob conditions. This research was conducted in the sub biology labolatory, the labolatory center of MIPA Sebelas Maret Unervisity of Surakarta began in June to September 2009. Biodigester used jerrycan have volume 5 liters by working volume 4 liters (a source of inoculums : substrate, 20% : 80%). The treatment or experiment is provided by supplementation urea 3% and 6% in high temperature (50oC) and room temperature (31oC). Observation parameters include pH, temperature, COD, BOD, TS, VS and production of biogas. The next result observation was analysed by GLM Univariate and DMRT advance test. The result of the observation showed that the best amount of biogas was produced by substrate without treatment as much as 314,58 (ml/day) of biogas in the high temperature (50oC). with efficiency organic prediction BOD 20,7% / COD 9,63%. The other results of research is the efficiency of organic reduction TS 21,3% / VS 16,4%.