
Perbedaan pengaruh modifikasi latihan lompat dengan rintangan panjang dan tinggi terhadap kemampuan lompat jauh tanpa awalan pada siswa putra kelas IV dan V SD Negeri Mipitan Jebres Surakarta tahun 2009

Oleh :
A Wisnu Fajar Setyanto - X4608501 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) The difference effect of standing broad jump modification exercise with length and height barrier. (2) The better training effect between the modification of jumping exercises with length and height barrier on the standing broad jump ability on the male students' grade IV and V's in elementary school Mipitan, Jebres, Surakarta in the year 2009. The method used is the experimental method. The population in this research is the male Students in grade IV and V's in elementary school Mipitan, Jebres, Surakarta in the year 2009. Data collection techniques used were a test and measurement capabilities standing broad jump. Data analysis techniques used by the t test at 5% significance level. Based on the research results can be obtained the following conclusions: (1) There are significant differences in effect between the modification of jumping exercises standing broad jump with the length and height barrier on the standing broad jump ability on the boys students in class IV and V in elementary school Mipitan, Jebres, Surakarta in the year 2009. From the calculations, the value of 1.72403 and ttable tcount for 1699 with a level of significance 5% (tcount> ttable 5%). (2) Modification of standing broad jump exercises with high barriers have a better effect than the modification of jumping exercises with long barriers into the standing broad jump ability at boys in grade IV and V of the Elementary School Mipitan, Jebres year 2009. Group 1 has the value of the percentage increase in the long jump ability of 2.088167053%. While the two groups have an increased ability to long jump without a prefix of 16.66666667%. Thus we can conclude that the two groups have a percentage increase in the ability to learn the results of the long jump without a prefix that is greater than the first.