This research aim to know is big detergen waste material contamination pursuant to Standard Quality of Environment for the waste of detergen, ability Pistia stratiotes L. and Limnocharis flava L to increase the water quality of detergen waste, and detergen waste influence to Pistia stratiotes L. and Limnocharis flava L .
Idea framework this research processing irrigate waste with biological method use water crop capable to absorbing substantion in waste of detergen and can improve the quality of waste water, so that if thrown territorial water do not contaminate environment. Processing method with crop irrigate this recognized with phytoremidiation. Phytoremidiation can be used as o ne of the way of processing detergen waste which cheap relative and efficient.
This research is using Complete Random Design (CRD) method Pattern 3 x 4 with three repetition. o ne factor is the kind of crop that is, Pistia stratiotes L., Limnocharis flava L, and Without Crop. Two factor is Detergen concentration in 4 level that is 0%, 20%, 40% and 60%. The observation included water quality consist of pH, temperature, DO (dissolve oxygen), alkalinity, sulphate (SO42-) and phosphate (PO42-) and influence of waste to crop consist of length of root o n crop, wet heavy crop and total chlorophyll crop.
Result of research show that materials contamination content which is there are in detergen waste reside in to the Standard Quality of Environment among others pH equal to 12, temperature 33 0C, phosphate 4 mg/l, and alkalinitas equal to 1200 mg/l. Bigest decreasing of water quality in pH is Limnocaris flava crop in 9,24%. Than o n Pistia stratiotes crop can decreasing temperature of waste is 16,9%, sulfate at 43,1% and fosfate is 43,1%. Treatment using Pistia stratiotes and Limnocharis flava can increasing alkalinity waste of detergen in 60% concentration waste of detergen can decreasing crop growth. Length of root and wet heavy of Pistia stratiotes decreased in 66,7%, than total of chlorophyl decerease in 58,4%. Limnocharis flava in 60% concentration of waste detergen will death.
Keyword : Phytoremidiation, Waste Detergen, Pistia stratiotes L., Limnocharis flava L.