
The analysis of second personal address forms in the film entitled notting hill (a sociolinguistics approach)

Oleh :
Arleonie Dwiardha Aditia Kusuma - K2202015 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRACT The title of the thesis is ‘An Analysis of Second Personal Address Forms in the Film entitled Notting Hill’. In this research, the researcher uses Sociolinguistics approach and also manipulates some other supporting theories related to the matter discussed, namely domain of language use, social dimension of investigation and rule of address. The researcher uses a descriptive method in this research. The data being analyzed are all the dialogs containing address forms of the film ‘Notting Hill’. In analyzing the data, the researcher does not take all the data, because there are some data which have similar interpretation. So, the researcher only analyzes some sample data which have different interpretation including the representative data having similar interpretation. The purposive sampling technique is used by the researcher in taking the data in this analysis. The researcher analyzes the data found in the film based on the problem statements in drawn in Chapter I. This research discovered that there are five terms of address used in the six domains of the dialogs of the film. The terms of address above are Title alone (T), Title + Last Name (TLN), Last Name (LN), First Name (FN), and Multiple Name (MN). While the domains discovered in the film are home, Employment, Hotel, Eatery, Entertainment, and Public place. The occurrence of the terms of address above was in the dimensions of power, solidarity, formality, and function. Those uses of address terms by the characters of the film reflect the choice of people in English society in determining the address used which are represented in the film ‘Notting Hill’. The researcher hopes the result of this analysis will have a great contribution to other researchers who have a common interest.