
Pengaruh motivasi mengikuti pelatihan, self-efficacy dan orientasi pembelajaran pada kinerja karyawan

Oleh :
Devi Alyandri Sukma Samsuri - F0206043 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Abstrak This study aimed to determine the factors that affect the performance of employees within an organization. These factors include: motivation training, self-efficacy and learning orientation. Related to the purpose of this study, the data retrieved by using proportional random sampling technique. Where in this study population consists of several sub-populations and each sub-population samples to be studied. Samples in this study were 80 respondents. This amount is feasible because sample larger than 30 in a study otherwise been able to represent the population. Data collection was performed with the distribution of questionnaire respondents. Questionnaires are returned and processed as many as 74 eligible for the questionnaire. The quality of research data can be obtained by analyzing the validity and reliability test. This is intended to ensure that data collected meet the eligibility criteria that can be tested using any statistical tool. This study uses a computer program SPSS 16.0 for windows in solving problems that have been formulated. The results of this study indicate a relationship between training motivation and employee performance was significant. Similar with the relationship between self-efficacy variables and employee performance was also significant. But the relationship between variables of learning orientation and employee performance was not significant. This study also discusses the implications for future research, theoretical and the practice in human resources management