
Analisis pemasaran jeruk di kabupaten Bangli

Oleh :
Intan Ayu Purnamasari - H1306044 - Fak. Pertanian

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola saluran pemasaran, menganalisis biaya, marjin dan keuntungan serta efisiensi ekonomi dari masing-masing saluran pemasaran jeruk di Kabupaten Bangli. Metode dasar penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Daerah penelitian diambil secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu Kabupaten Bangli dan sampel kecamatan dipilih yaitu Kecamatan Kintamani. Metode penentuan jumlah pada masing-masing desa menggunakan proportional random sampling sedangkan penentuan sampel masing-masing desa menggunakan metode systematic sampling serta sampel pedagang secara snowball sampling. Data yang diambil baik berupa data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik wawancara, pencatatan dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada empat tipe saluran pemasaran jeruk di Kabupaten Bangli yaitu, saluran I:Petani→Penebas→Pedagang Besar→Pedagang Kecil→Pedagang Pengecer→Konsumen, saluran II: Petani→ Pedagang besar→Pedagang Kecil→Pedagang Pengecer→Konsumen,saluran III: Petani→Pedagang Besar→Pedagang Pengecer→Konsumen dan saluran IV: Petani→Pedagang Pengumpul→Pedagang Besar→Pedagang Kecil→Pedagang Pengecer→Konsumen. Pada saluran I memiliki total biaya pemasaran Rp 1.713,4 per kg, marjin pemasaran Rp 5.485,1 per kg dan keuntungan pemasaran Rp 3.771,7 per kg. Pada saluran II total biaya pemasaran Rp 1.582,8 per kg, marjin pemasaran Rp 4.999,9 per kg dan keuntungan pemasaran Rp 3.658,7 per kg. Pada saluran III total biaya pemasaran Rp 1.405,9 per kg, marjin pemasaran Rp 4.000,00 per kg dan keuntungan pemasaran Rp 2.840,5 per kg. Pada saluran IV total biaya pemasaran Rp 1.550,2 per kg, marjin pemasaran Rp 5.267,8 per kg dan keuntungan pemasaran Rp 3.717,5 per kg. Dilihat dari efisiensi secara ekonomis dari keempat saluran yang ada di Kabupaten Bangli maka saluran III adalah saluran pemasaran jeruk yang paling efisien karena memiliki marjin pemasaran terendah yaitu Rp 4.000,00 per kg dan memiliki nilai Farmer’s Share tertinggi yaitu super besar sebesar 60%, super sebesar 55,55%, king sebesar 50%, bom sebesar 42,85%, dan AA sebesar 33,33%. Kata Kunci : Marjin, Biaya, Keuntungan dan Efisiensi Pemasaran SUMMARY This research aims are to determine the pattern of marketing channels, and to analyze costs, margin and profits, as well as economic efficiency of each channel oranges marketing channel in Bangli regency. The basic method used in this of research is descriptive method. The research area was purposively chosen in Kintamani sub-district in Bangli regency in the province of Bali. The method of determining quantity of farmer’s sample in each village using proportional random sampling, while the sample determination in each village using systematic sampling method whereas the merchant’s sample picking method was done by applying snowball sampling. The data taken consist of both primary and secondary data with applying interview technique, notes and observation. The result of this research shows that there are four types of oranges channel marketing in Bangli regency. The first channel come with: Farmers → Wholesalers → Big Merchants → Small Merchants → Retailers → Consumers. Followed by the second channel which has slightly different distribution method: Farmers→ Big Merchants→Small Merchants→Retailers→Consumers. In the third channel, the figure shows the absence of wholesalers and small retailers: Farmers→Big Merchants→Retailers→Consumers. And the last one, the fourth channel: Farmers → Collectors Merchants → Big Merchants → Small Merchants→ Retailers→Consumers. Marketing channel I have total marketing cost Rp 1.713,4/kg, total marketing margin Rp 5.485,1/kg and total marketing advantage Rp 3.771,7/kg. Marketing channel II have total marketing cost Rp 1.582,8/kg, total marketing margin 4.999,9/kg and total marketing advantage Rp 3.658,7/kg. Marketing channel III have total marketing cost Rp 1.405,9/kg, total marketing margin Rp 4.000,00/kg and total marketing advantage Rp 2.840,5/kg Marketing channel IV have total marketing cost Rp 1.550,2/kg, total marketing margin Rp 5.267,81/kg and total marketing advantage Rp 3.717,5/kg. Viewed from the economic efficiency of the four existing channels in Bangli regency, it shows that the marketing Channel III is the most efficient marketing channel for oranges, because it has the lowest marketing margin, Rp 4.000,00/kg and it has the highest farmer’s share; they are super besar with 60%, super with 55,55%, king with 50%, bom with 42,85%, and the last one; AA with 33,33%. Key word : Margin, Cost, Profit and Efficient Marketing