Upaya peningkatan motivasi dan prestasi belajar keperawatan medikal bedah melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan iringan musik
Oleh :
Eni Sumarliyah - S540908306 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
ABSTRACT The main problem to be solved through Classroom Action Research is: Does the application of cooperative learning model type STAD with musical accompaniment can improve learning outcomes in Medical Surgical Nursing subject? The objective is to improve the achievement of students in Medical Surgical Nursing subject. The hypothesis of the action is: Through the application of cooperative learning model type STAD with musical accompaniment can enhance motivation and learning achievement of Medical Surgical Nursing subject.
This research is an act of the teacher to improve student learning outcomes in undergraduate program (S1) on the sixth semester of Nursing Faculty of Health Science University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya and the main perpetrator is a teacher of Medical Surgical Nursing subject. The study was conducted in two cycles, and includes four stages, namely planning, action, result of observation and reflection. Each cycle consists of three activities, namely the introduction (apperception), main activity which is implementing learning activities, and closing by giving the evaluation questions, providing motivation and reinforcement. To assess learning outcomes of Medical Surgical Nursing subject, researcher uses the tools of observation sheets, test instruments, and notes.
Result showed that from the whole cycles done indicate that student motivation and learning achievement of undergraduate program (S1) on the sixth semester of Nursing Faculty of Health Science University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya in Medical Surgical Nursing subject always get significant increasing from one cycle to the others. This is because the cooperative learning model type STAD with musical accompaniment can provide a more pleasant atmosphere and supports learning, free opinion, feel valued so that it can further ease and deepen the understanding of the theory. These data indicate an increasing in student learning outcomes through the implementation of cooperative learning model type STAD with musical accompaniment.
Based on the overall cycle that has been done, it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model type STAD with musical accompaniment could enhance motivation and achievement of students on Medical Surgical Nursing subject. In each cycle always brings a positive impact towards improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Learning, STAD, Music, Motivation, Learning Achievement