

Oleh :
Aditya Tri Nugroho - K7405019 - Fak. KIP

This research aims to (1)Describing about the implementation of teaching in International Qualification School ( RSBI) of SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta, (2 ) Knowing the supporting factors and the obstacle factors in the implementation of teaching in International Qualification School ( RSBI ) of SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta, ( 3) Knowing how to overcome and the solutions of the obstacle factors in the implementation of teaching in International Qualification School ( RSBI ) of SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta. The research formed into qualitative research,and using descriptive method with single strategy. The data source taken from informant, place and scene, and document. The sampling technique used in this research are purposive sampling and snow ball sampling techniques. The data collected by using interview, direct observation, and documentation. To measure the validity of the data, the researcher uses triangulation data and method. The data analized by using interactive analysis model. The results of the research shows that : 1) The implementation of teaching influenced by the teaching components which are : KTSP Curriculum spectrum, teacher’s competences, student’s competences, teaching materials such as modul, variation of teaching media, innovative teaching method, condusive teaching environment, validity of teaching evaluation. Billingual and moving class system has not been yet implemented in every teaching implementation. 2) The supporting factors of the implementation of teaching in RSBI SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta: (a) Education staffs which qualified both in academic and experiented and also have good achievement.(b) Condusive school environment and wide areas become alternative in teching implementation. (c) SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta has already got certificate of ISO 9001:2000. 3) The obstacle factors of implementation of teaching in RSBI SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta are (a) The unfinished of adaptation process of the education staffs and students of the change in the teaching paradimg of RSBI teaching model.(b) The limitation of individual skill on both of the education staffs and students. (c) The teaching components has not been yet compatible with the RSBI programm standard. 4) The solutions to overcome the obstacle factors in the implementation of teaching in RSBI SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta are (a)Improvement on the education staffs resource with trainings and course.(b) Upgrading the quality of students and socialitation of the RSBI teaching programm to the students.(c) Improvement on the supporting tools and infrastuctures in the RSBI teaching implementation.