Analisis perubahan struktur perekonomian dan penyerapan tenaga kerja sektoral daerah perkotaan di provinsi Jawa Timur (studi tahun 1996-2007)
Oleh :
Farahita Rahmawati Febriantina - F0106037 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Changes in economic structure in East Java province to give the impact on GDP and sectoral employment. In fact economic growth in Indonesia was not accompanied by changes in the structure of a balanced workforce means that the rate of sectoral economic shifts relatively quickly compared with the rate of shift workers.
In line with these problems for each city in East Java Province proposed the following hypothesis: expected, (1) economic structure have led to secondary and tertiary sectors. (2) employment conditions dominated by secondary or tertiary sectors. (3) conditions dominated the economic base of secondary and tertiary sectors (4) the majority of economic sectors are on the classification of economic sectors Prima and Growing. This research was conducted by using a shift share analysis (SS), Location Quotient (LQ), Share of Labor and Typology Klassen. Components studied are GRDP at constant 2000 prices in the city and the province of East Java.
From the results of an analysis of each city in East Java Province can be concluded: (1) changes in economic structure is undergoing a transformation to the industrial and services sectors. (2) state-sector employment is dominated by secondary and tertiary sectors. (3) the basic sector is dominated by secondary and tertiary sectors. (4) the majority of economic sectors included in the classification of prime and growing sector. Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be made several suggestions, among others: local government should prioritize the development and investment towards sectors which are included in the criteria for prime sector. Business sector to sector basis should be maintained and further developed so that it can stimulate the economic sector of non base for developing a base of economic sectors. Local governments and private areas need to take action pro-active, conductive and constructive to stimulate interest in regional investment.