

Pengaruh metode latihan sirkuit dan rasio waktu kerja-istirahat terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (VO2 max)

Oleh :
I Ketut Iwan Swadesi - A120908014 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh metode latihan sirkuit berlanjut (continuous circuit) dan sirkuit bola basket (basketball circuit) terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (V ̇O2 max) pada pemain bola basket, (2) perbedaan pengaruh rasio waktu kerja – istirahat 1:2 dan 1:3 terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (V ̇O2 max) pada pemain bola basket, dan (3) pengaruh interaksi antara metode latihan sirkuit dan rasio waktu kerja – istirahat terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (V ̇O2 max) pada pemain bola basket. Penelitian ini termasuk “eksperimen lapangan” dengan rancangan faktorial 2 X 2. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang. Sampel dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok eksperimen yaitu; (1) kelompok eksperimen 1 (N=10 orang) dengan metode latihan sirkuit berlanjut dengan rasio waktu kerja-istirahat 1:2, (2) kelompok eksperimen 2 (N=10 orang) dengan metode latihan sirkuit berlanjut dengan rasio waktu kerja-istirahat 1:3, (3) kelompok eksperimen 3 (N=10 orang) dengan metode latihan sirkuit bola basket dengan rasio waktu kerja-istirahat 1:2, (4) kelompok eksperimen 4 (N=10 orang) dengan metode latihan sirkuit bola basket dengan rasio waktu kerja-istirahat 1:3. Kelompok eksperimen 1 melakukan latihan sirkuit berlanjut (continuous circuit) dengan diselingi interval istirahat 1:2 (work relief), kelompok eksperimen 2 melakukan latihan sirkuit berlanjut (continuous circuit) dengan diselingi interval istirahat 1:3 (work relief), kelompok eksperimen 3 melakukan latihan sirkuit bola basket (basketball circuit) dengan diselingi interval istirahat 1:2 (work relief), kelompok eksperimen 4 melakukan latihan sirkuit bola basket (basketball circuit) dengan diselingi interval istirahat 1:3 (work relief). Latihan dalam penelitian dilakukan 3 kali setiap minggu, selama 24 kali pertemuan. Data Volume Oksigen Maksimal (V ̇O2 max) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan dianalisis secara statistika dengan menggunakan Analisis Varians 2 jalur pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Ada perbedaan pengaruh metode latihan sirkuit berlanjut (continuous circuit) dan sirkuit bola basket (basketball circuit) terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (V ̇O2 max). Masing-masing; untuk metode latihan sirkuit berlanjut adalah 2,575 dan untuk metode latihan sirkuit bola basket adalah 0,945. Ada perbedaan pengaruh rasio waktu kerja – istirahat 1:2 dan 1:3 terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (V ̇O2 max). Masing-masing; untuk rasio waktu kerja-istirahat 1:2 adalah 2,025 dan rasio waktu kerja-istirahat 1:3 adalah 1,495. Tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara metode latihan sirkuit dan rasio waktu kerja – istirahat terhadap peningkatan volume oksigen maksimal (V ̇O2 max) pada pemain bola basket. Kata kunci: latihan sirkuit, rasio waktu kerja-istirahat, V ̇O2 max ABSTRACT The aims of the research is to find out: (1) the differences between the effects of continuous circuit training method and basketball circuit training method on the increase of Maximum Oxygen Volume ( O2 max) owned by basketball athletes, (2) the differences in effects between 1:2 resting-working ratio and 1:3 resting-working ratio on the increase of maximum oxygen volume O2 max) owned by basketball athletes (3) the effects of interaction between circuit training method and resting-worting ratio on the increase of Maximum Oxygen Volume ( O2 max) owned by basketball athletes The research was categorized as a field experiment with a factor design 2x2. The number of sample involved in the research was 40 people which was divided into 4 groups namely (1) experiment group 1 (10 people) with continuous circuit training method and 1:2 working-resting ratio (2) experiment group 2 (10 people) with continuous circuit training method and 1:3 working-resting ratio (3) Experiment group 3 (10 people) with basketball circuit training method and 1:2 working-resting ratio (4) experiment group 4 with basketball circuit training method and 1:3 working-resting ratio Group experiment 1 did the continuous circuit training with interval of 1:2 work relief. The second group did the same training but was given 1:3 break interval. Group 3 and 4, however, did the basketball circuit training with 1:2 and 1:3 work relief interval respectively. The training was conducted three times per week, covered in 24 meetings. Thus, the data of Maximum Oxygen Volume ( O2 max) before and after the treatment was analysed statistically through a 2 way Variant Analysis at 5% significance level. Based on the analysis, a conclusion can be drawn as follows: There is significant difference on the increase of Maximum Oxygen Volume ( O2 max) as the effects of using the continuous circuit training method and basketball circuit training method. With the continous circuit training method, the increase of Maximum Oxygen Volume reaches 2.575. On the other hand, with the basketball circuit training method, the increase only reaches 0.945. There is significant difference on the increase of Maximum Oxygen Volume ( O2 max) of basketball players as the effects of giving the 1:2 and 1:3 working-resting time ratios. With 1:2 working-resting ratio the increase reaches 2.025 and with 1:3 working-resting ratio the increase reaches 1.495. There is not interaction effects between circuit training methods used and working-resting time ratios given on the increase of Maximum Oxygen Volume ( O2 max) of basketball players. Keywords: circuit training, working-resting time ratios, ( O2 max)