
Aktivitas fisik intensitas tinggi sebagai faktor resiko terhadap gangguan siklus menstruasi

Oleh :
Sri Mulyani - G0005025 - Fak. Kedokteran

Abstract: This research aim to know whether high intensity physical activity is considerable as a risk faktor for disturbance in menstruation cycle. Within this, hopefully we could gain information about sport physiology subject and the relevancy in the company of women’s reproduction healthiness. This research represents of analytic observational research approach with cross sectional design. Sample were obtained with simple random sampling technique located in Physical and Health Education faculty and Medical faculty at Surakarta. Research conducted on January until June 2008. Responder totally 50 people filling questionnare related with physical activity and menstrual cycle individually. Each people also measure her heart rate when they do physical activity and take a rest, so we can observe the intencity of her physical activity. Data then has been analyzed by Fisher test using SPSS 12.0 for windows. The result for Fisher test indicated p = 0, 717 (where P > 0,05) . Based on the result we have a conclusion that high intensity physical activity is not a risk factor for disturbance in menstruation cycle Keywords : high intensity physical activity – menstruation cycle. *) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta