
Hubungan pembelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan dengan kesadaran hukum siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura tahun ajaran 2008/2009

Oleh :
Indra Setyo Nugroho - K6404035 - Fak. KIP

Abstrak This study aims to determine the relationship between positive and significant learning Citizenship Education law student with awareness class X SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura Teaching Year 2008/2009. In line with the problem and research purposes, then this research using descriptive method korelational. Population in this research is a class X student SMAN 1 Teachings Kartasura Year 2008/2009. Sample taken random sampling technique with a number of 40 students. free variables in this research is learning Citizenship Education and awareness bound variable is law. Data collection technique that is used is to use the tool collector in the form of test data and angket containing a list of written questions. Technical analysis is a technique used correlation analysis tangkar moment. Based on the results of research can be concluded that there is a relationship between positive and significant learning Citizenship Education with the awareness of law students (rxy> rtable or 0, 4033> 0.297) and (tarithmetic> ttable or 2.968>1.68) on the on the extend significations 5%.