
Evaluasi kontribusi pajak hotel dan restoran terhadap pendapatan asli Daerah Kabupaten Karangayar

Oleh :
Febriyan Bayu AP - F3406030 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax is one of source Real Income Region. Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax is tax which is took on service in a hotel and/or restaurant. The problem that will be discussed in this Final Assigment is about the contribution of Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax to Real Income Region Karanganyar Regency, development of Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax on DPPKAD from year to year and effort which is held by DPPKAD Karanganyar Regency to increase the acceptance of Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax. The result shows that Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax has contributed enough in increasing Real Income Region on DPPKAD Karanganyar Regency and the acceptance target always achieved in every budgeting year, even the realization exceeds the target which is gived. While, development of the acceptance Hotel and Restaurant’s Tax on DPPKAD Karanganyar Regency during 2006 – 2008 budgeting year is good enough and the acceptance has increased in every budgeting year.