A translation analysis of the second personal pronoun “you” in John Grisham’s novel entitled “the testament” and its Indonesian version “surat wasiat”
Oleh :
Karina Hilda Tamara Purnomo - C0304029 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This Thesis belongs to a qualitative research employing descriptive method. It is purposed to describe the translation strategies occurred in the translation and to describe the quality assessment of the translation from the novel entitled “The Testament” and its translation “Surat Wasiat”. It is also aimed to find out the quality assessment that covers accuracy and acceptability of the translation of the second personal pronoun “You”. This research applies purposive sampling as the sampling technique, since the samples are taken from all the personal pronoun “You” found in the novel. This research is conducted based on primary and secondary data. The primary data consists of 670 numbers of personal pronoun “You”. The secondary data are taken by distributing questionnaires to some raters and respondents.
The result of the data analysis shows that there are 5 types of strategies used by the translator to translate the personal pronoun “You” in the novel entitled “The Testament” and its Indonesian version. They are literal translation. It is divided into two parts. First is free morpheme ( 501 data or 74,11 % ), Second, enclitics ( 72 data or 10,65 % ), third is structural adjustment translation (39 data or 5,77 %), the fourth strategy is deletion ( 62 data or 9,17 %), fifth, addition (2 data or 0,30 %). The translation strategy which is most frequently used by the translator to translate the personal pronouns “You” in the novel “The Testament” is literal translation (free morpheme translation) and the least frequently used strategy is addition.
The analysis of accuracy shows that there are 592 data ( 88,36 % ) considered as accurate translation, 20 data ( 2,98 % ) considered as less accurate translation, 27 data ( 4,03 % ) considered as inaccurate translation, and 31 data ( 4,63 % ) considered as very inaccurate translation. Literal translation is a strategy which produces the translation with high level of accuracy (564 data or 83,55 % ). Meanwhile, the strategy which produces the translation with low level of accuracy ( 2 data or 0,30 % ) is addition strategy.
The analysis on the acceptability of the translation shows that there are 640 data ( 95,52 % ) considered as acceptable, and 23 data ( 3,44 % ) considered as less acceptable, and 7 data ( 1,04 % ) considered as unacceptable. The strategies used by the translator which results the translation with high level of acceptability are literal translation ( 585 data or 87,05 % ). Meanwhile, the strategy which produces the translation with low level of accuracy is addition strategy ( 2 data or 0,30 % ).