Kajian novel Bekisar Merah karya Ahmad Tohari dan Wasripin dan Satinah karya Kuntowijoyo (Pendekatan intertekstual dan nilai pendidikan)
Oleh :
Denik Wirawati - S840209105 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan; (1) kepaduan struktur pembangun novel Bekisar Merah karya Ahmad Tohari; (2) kepaduan struktur pembangun novel Wasripin dan Satinah Karya Kuntowijoyo; (3) persamaan dan perbedaan novel Bekisar Merah karya Ahmad Tohari dan Wasripin dan Satinah karya Kuntowijoyo; (4) nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung di dalam ke dua novel tersebut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode ini digunakan untuk menggali sumber informasi dan data yang berupa teks-teks sastra, sehingga data yang tampil bukan berupa konsep-konsep secara statistik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan: (1) teknik interaktif dan mencatat dokumen dengan content analysis; (2) teknik simak dan baca catat; (3) teknik riset pustaka. Data yang sudah terkumpul dianalysis dengan model analisis interaktif tiga alur; (1) reduksi data; (2) penyajian data, dan (3) peran kesimpulan atau verifikasi.
Hasil temuan penelitian dengan pendekatan intertekstualitas menunjukkan bahwa kedua novel tersebut (1) mempunyai persamaan struktur pembangun sehingga novel Bekisar Merah sebagai hipogram, sedangkan novel Wasripin dan Satinah sebagai teks tranformasi; (2) unsur-unsur struktur pembangun kedua novel tersebut berupa tema, alur, perwatakan, penokohan, setting, dan point of view secara struktural mempunyai persamaan dan perbedaan; (3) kedua novel tersebut mempunyai persamaan tema yaitu penindasan dan pemberontakan kaum wong cilik terhadap kekuasaan pemerintah,. Alur kedua novel mempunyai perbedaan yaitu alur maju dan alur campuran, karakterisasi tokoh, kedua novel menggunakan metode analitik dan dramatik penokohan kedua novel terdiri dari tokoh utama, antagonis, dan titragonis, setting cerita adalah desa Karangsoga untuk novel Bekisar Merah, sedangkan setting novel Wasripin dan Satinah adalah surau dan TPI, sudut pandang atau point of view kedua novel menggunakan sudut pandang persona gaya “dia”; (4) nilai pendidikan yang terkandung di dalam kedua novel tersebut yaitu nilai pendidikan moral, nilai pendidikan budaya, dan nilai pendidikan agama .
This research aim to describes (1) The Unity of development structure Bekisar Merah novel by Ahmad Tohari (2) the unity of development structure Wasripin dan Satinah by Kuntowijoyo (3) the similarities and differences Bekisar Merah novel by Ahmad Tohari and Wasripin dan Satinah novel by Kuntowijoyo (4) the moralities education include in both of the novel.
The qualitative descriptive method was applied in this research. This method then was used to explore the source of information and data which were presented in the form of literary texts; therefore, the data apear in this research are in the form concepts or categories which cannot be statistically counted. The techniques of data collecting applied in this research were: 1) interactive technique and record technique by using content analysis,2) comprehensive and record technique 3) library research technique. The data which had been collected then were analyzed using three catogories of interactive analysis: 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) conclusion or verification.
The result of the research by intelectual approach showss that both of the novel (1) have si,ilary develop structure in order a novel Bekisar Merah as hypogram, while Wasripin dan Satinah novels as transformation text; (2) subtance of development structure from both of the novel like theme, plot, character, characterisation, setting and point of view structurally have similarities and differences; (3) Both of the novel have the same theme, are suppression and struggle of wong cilik to wand the goverment power, plot of the both of the novel have differences are progressive plot and mix plot. Character of the characterisation, both of the novel using analitic and dramatic method. Both of the novel characterisation consist of main character antagonist, and titragonist. The setting of Bekisar Merah novel is Karangsoga village. While setting of Wasripin and Satinah novel are mosque and finish market. Point of view using in these novel are pronoun “she/he” (4) Education value consist of these novels are morality value, culture education value, and religion education values.