
Tuberculosis - HIV Coinfection Patients Among TB Patients In Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta Year 2008-2009

Oleh :
Suradi - - Fak. Kedokteran

Introduction: Tuberculosis is the commonest opportunistic infection and the number one cause of death in HIV patients. Human immunodeficie0ncy virusinfected people are more susceptible to be infected when they are exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The immunosuppression induced by HIV modifies the clinical presentation of TB, resulting in atypical signs and symptoms, increase in smear negative acid fast bacili and atypical findings on chest radiography.The objective of this study is to describe TB-HIV coinfection patients among TB patients according to clinical signs and symptoms, smear of acid fast bacili, chest radiography and treatment outcome . Methods : Descriptive retrospective design study on 49 TB-HIV coinfection patients in Dr.Moewardi Hospital Surakarta from January 1st 2008 to December 31st 2009. Datas were collected from medical records, VCT clinic and DOTS reports. Results : There are 49 patients TB-HIV coinfection, it’s about 7,17% among patients TB non HIV and about 37,77% among ODHA non TB, with most average age is 21-39 year (83,70%) and mostly are men (77,55%). Smears positive acid fast bacili were found on 10 patients (20,40%%), 32 patients (65,30%) are negative. The Most clinical signs and symptoms are productive cough (28,5%) and dyspnoe (28,5%). Radiological features of TB-HIV coinfection show diffuse fibroinfiltrate on 13 patients (26,54%) and only one (2,04%) with cavitary pattern. Cluster differentiation (CD 4+) count from 29 patients are < 200 cells/mm3. Treatment outcome for TB-HIV coinfection patients 18,37% are cured, 53,06% completed treatment, died for treatment complexion are 26,53%. Conclusions : Commonest chief complain among TB-HIV coinfection are productive cough and dyspnoe, smears positive were found on 20,40% patients, radiological features show diffuse fibroinfiltrate (26,54%), complete treatment (53,06%) is the most outcome treatment. Key words : TB-HIV coinfection, TB non HIV