Analisis rasio likuiditas, solvabilitas, dan profitabilitas untuk menilai kinerja keuangan KPRI ”Subur” periode 2006-2008
Oleh :
Suryo Sadewo - F3306101 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Financial statements is a means of communication is very important to obtain information regarding the financial position and the results have been achieved by KPRI "SUBUR". This information will be meaningful to the parties concerned, if carried out further analysis to support decisions to be taken and to predict the welfare KPRI "SUBUR" will be the future.
Research on these financial statements conducted to assess the performance KPRI "SUBUR" during the three periods of 2006 sd 2008. authors use the ratio analysis of liquidity ratios, solvailitas, from profibilitas to analyze the cooperative's financial statements include balance sheets and income statements (SHU). The author uses worksheets Cooperative Classification and Valuation in Decision co-operatives and the State Minister of Small and Medium-No. Guideline Classification 129/Kep./M/KUKM/XI/2002 of Cooperatives.
Results of analysis showed that the financial performance KPRI "SUBUR" quite satisfactory. Viewed from the level of liquidity KPRI "SUBUR" in the liquid state. Although not able to pay its short-term debt with cash and other assets. Viewed from the solvency KPRI "SUBUR" in the solvable condition. KPRI "SUBUR" has the ability to pay all his debts both to the assets or the capital itself. Viewed from the level of profitability KPRI "SUBUR" in a profitable conditions. KPRI "SUBUR" has a good ability in generating profits (profit) from the sales activity, from the assets used and the capital it self.
Based on the findings KPRI "SUBUR" should further enhance financial performance will be the future for the better and the yield ratio above the minimum standards established cooperative classification, while maintaining the proportion between the number of assets by the number of debts that the resulting ratio is not too large. Moreover, it can also by increasing the sales volume is expected to increase operating income (SHU) cooperatives.