The english teaching and learning process for the first grade students in SMP Negeri 2 Nogosari
Oleh :
Arif Choirul Bashir - C9307017 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project was written based on the writer’s job training as an
English teacher in SMP Negeri 2 Nogosari, which was done for two months. The
objectives of this final project were to knowing and to understanding the teaching
and learning process in the school including the problems faced by the writer
During the job training, the writer took some activities such as observation
in the class and teach the English lesson. In observation, he observed the
condition of class includes the condition of students, making lesson plan, and
seeing the teaching learning process in SMP Negeri 2 Nogosari. During the
teaching process the writer gave some books that have been adjusted to the
competency based curriculum (CBC). After the all material was given to the
students, he also gave test in order to know that the students comprehend of the
topic given.
The result showed that the problems that were faced in teaching and
learning process were caused by the student’s motivation and interest in studying
English language, and the student problems in understanding grammar also the
limited time and facilities. There were some solutions to solve the student’s
problems in teaching and learning English. Some of them were giving exercises
and homework, teaching the material clearly and easily something used games
and song to prevent the boredom. To solve the limited times and facilities, the
teacher tried to manage the time as well as possible and to used time with
optimum in order to finish the materials. Besides, the teacher also adds the
facilities to support the materials.