The roles and the applications of communication techniques in tourist information center of Surakarta
Oleh :
Ria Delima - C9307151 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report was written based on the job training which was done by the writer from 1st February to 28th February at Tourist Information Center of Surakarta. The objective of this final project is to explain the roles and the applications of communication techniques in Tourist Information Center. In the process of collecting data, the writer used observation, interview methods and library research.
The result of this report shows that TIC of Surakarta is a public relations practitioner of Surakarta although there is no specific division within it. TIC of Surakarta has a role taken by TIC staffs related with the activities done by the staffs. TIC is a communication facilitator because TIC facilitates communication to the tourist especially the foreign tourist. This report also shows there are two main roles of their communication. They are to inform and to persuade. The staffs inform the tourist about Surakarta tourism and persuade the tourists to stay for few days in Surakarta.
Communication is an important thing of public relations taking the important roles in their services. To achieve the roles, the staffs used two communication techniques. They are informative communication technique and persuasive communication technique.