
The effectiveness of using procedure genre to improve writing skill for VII grade students in SMP N 1 Grogol, Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Retna Fatmawati - C9307074 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This final project was written based on the writer’s job training as an English teacher in SMP N 1 Grogol Sukoharjo which was done for a month. The writer took two classes in VII D and VII E as the subject to be observed. This final project discusses the effectiveness of using procedure genre to improve writing skill for VII grade students in junior high school. During the job training, the writer took some activities to collect the data by doing observation in the school and the class, interviewing the English teacher to get more information about the school and the English teaching and learning process. The genre used by the writer to teach writing skill the students was procedure genre. While the type of writing performance used by the writer was guided writing. For teaching writing of procedure genre, the writer asked to the students to make an imperative sentence. It was not too difficult for them because they have been got this material before. Then, the writer gave them a procedure text. After that, the writer explained the generic structure of procedure text. The next activity is the writer was random that procedure text. The writer asked to the students arranged it into a good procedure. To make them attracted, class divided into four groups, each group has a leader. The leader was writing a good procedure in the white board while the rest of the members give instruction to the leader to do the task. After that, the writer asked to the students to make a procedure text individually. Most of the students got the difficulties such as vocabulary use and punctuation use. Grammatically, they did not get any difficulties because they have been gotten imperative sentence before. Overall they can make a simple procedure text. Therefore, the writing skill of the student especially in writing procedure improved. It was proven by looking at the students’ writing in the end of the meeting.