
The important roles and activities of front office department at Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo

Oleh :
Diandra Marsya Namira - C9307116 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This report is based on the job training in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo for 3 months, from February 18th , 2010 to May 21th, 2010 especially in the Front Office Department. Front Office Department as one of the main departments that is directly related to the guest has to keep service quality to the guest. The writer found that Front Office Department has important role in supporting the hotel operational. In order to perform the Front Office functions, the Front Office has to work and make a good communication with the other departments. The writer also found some problems faced by the Front Office Department at Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The objectives of this final project are to describe the roles of Front Office Department and to describe the activities of Front Office Department in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The methods of collecting data are interview (interviewing manager and hotel’s staffs), observation, library study and hotel document. In this report, it can be concluded that Front Office Department plays the important roles in supporting the hotel operational and Front Office Department has the main activities in the Reception Section. The way they perform their duties and responsibilities are good enough, but there are some problems faced by them in performing the roles. Therefore, the writer proposes several solutions to overcome the problems.