Pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di PT. Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo
Oleh :
Asih Trimanoni - F3207023 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This final project writing aims to find out the satisfaction level the
consumers feel on the service given by PT Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo through
the dimensions of service quality including Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness,
Assurance and empathy.
The problem statement developed in this research is to find out the
consumer satisfaction level on the performance given by PT. Ramayana Motor
Technique of collecting data employed was observation, interview, and
questionnaire method. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling
with 100 respondents.
In this research, technique of discussing used was descriptive analysis one,
namely, the one to make a systematic, factual and accurate description about an
object studied, while the consumer satisfaction was measured using importance
performance analysis.
From the research on 100 respondents about the service quality given by
PT. Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo, it can be found that the results of consumer
assessment on the performance given by the company include: viewed from the
importance performance analysis, the highest consumer satisfaction level is in
service procedure attribute or factor that will be done quickly, it can be seen from
the percentage goodness of fit level of 113.28%, while the smallest attribute is that
the employees have knowledge to answer the consumers’ question of 71.15%.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that the result of Cartesian diagram of
factors becomes the primary priority of PT. Ramayana Motor Sukoharjo and
should be done because this factor is considered as important by the company and
consumers, including: non strategic and not affordable dealer location,
unattractive and untidy physical facility appearance.
The recommendation given is that from the location side, the dealer should
post the banner in front of its building so that the consumers can find the dealer
location easily. From physical facility side, the product arrangement should be
adjusted with the types of each product.
Keywords: Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and empathy.