Penilaian Kinerja Manajerial Koperasi Pegawai Negeri Republik Indonesia “Subur” Pasar Kliwon Surakarta
Oleh :
Bonifacia Sherry Kharisya - F3306028 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The objectives of this Final Project writing is as the requirenment to get Diploma III degree in Surakarta Sebelas Maret University and to find out how the manajerial performance in KPRI “Subur” Surakarta.
The procedure used in conducting the research in KPRI “Subur” Surakarta was that the writer looked for the word program of KPRI and then compared the budget and the world realization of such programs. From that comparison, the manajerial performance of KPRI “Subur” Surakarta can be assessed.
From the result of research , the writer gets knowledge about the manajerial performance of KPRI “Subur” and the civil servant cooperatives in general.
The conclusion of research is that KPRI “Subur” Surakarta has a good manajerial performance, viewed from the work program conducted well and the cost spent not exceeding the predefined budget. However there is still weakness in the performance including the absence of reward distribution for the high performance employess, the lack of promotion programme increase the cooperative membership and the lack of appealing to the members in order to pay their credit timely.
Keyword: manajerial, performance.