
Perancangan strategi kreatif re-branding griyo kulo Desa Nglebak - Tawangmangu

Oleh :
Monica Larasati - C0706033 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRAK Monica Larasati, 2010. Pengantar karya Tugas Akhir ini berjudul Perancangan Strategi Kreatif Re-branding Griyo Kulo Desa Nglebak- Tawangmangu. Adapun permasalahan yang dikaji adalah bagaimana merancang strategi kreatif re-branding Griyo Kulo serta media yang diperlukan untuk mendukung kegiatan re-branding tersebut. Griyo Kulo terletak di lereng gunung Lawu kabupaten Karanganyar. Selama ini Griyo Kulo belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat, terutama masyarakat kota besar di luar Solo. Hal ini disebabkan karena lemahnya visual branding Griyo Kulo. Image Griyo Kulo di benak masyarakat pun tidak sebaik dulu, kondisi lokasi yang tidak terawat, serta persaingan pasar yang semakin kompetitif mengakibatkan menurunnya loyalitas konsumen. Oleh karena itu perlu dibuat suatu perancangan strategi kreatif sebagai upaya untuk memperkenalkan identitas visual (visual identity) yang baru dari Griyo Kulo sehingga dapat membedakannya dengan competitor. Perancangan strategi kreatif re-branding Griyo Kulo dengan cara menguatkan image tradisional, etnik namun tetap simple dan sederhana. Pada tahap ini diciptakan sebuah nilai tambah atas suatu produk, baik berupa keunggulan fungsional maupun citra dan makna simbolis. Perancangan logo baru, perancangan identitas visual (visual identity), perancangan signage, serta media komunikasi visual diharapkan dapat berjalan efektif serta mampu meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen. ABSTRACT Monica Larasati, 2010. Final duty masterpiece deliverer entitles schame of creative strategy Re-branding Griyo Kulo Countryside Nglebak Tawangmangu. As for problems studied is how designing creative strategy of re-branding Griyo Kulo and media needed to supports activity of re-branding. Griyo Kulo located in mountainside Lawu sub-province Karanganyar. Till Now Griyo Kulo has not many known by public, especially outside Solo. This thing is caused by light of visual branding Griyo Kulo. Image Griyo Kulo in public marrow also not as good as formerly, condition of location that is is not maintained, and emulation of market that is increasingly competitive results lowering of consumer loyality. Therefore need to be made a scheme of creative strategy as effort to introduce visual of identity new from Griyo Kulo causing can differentiate it with competitor. Scheme of creative strategy of re-branding Griyo Kulo by the way of strengthening traditional image, ethnic but permanent simple and simple. At this phase created an added value to a product, either in the form of functional excellence and also symbolic image and meaning. Re-design logo, scheme of visual of identity, scheme signage, and visual communication media is expected able to run is effective and can increase number of consumer loyality.