Evaluasi penerimaan pajak penghasilan Kabupaten Karanganyar tahun 2008 - 2009
Oleh :
Eryza Winta Nur Pramudya Dewi - F3407006 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this research is to know the impact of tax alteration for personal and corporation about the income tax of Karanganyar and to know the factors that influence the change of income tax revenue.
The step of this research is done by comparing between theory, observation, and interview with official employee of Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Karanganyar. The observation made by apprentice for two months in KPP Pratama Karanganyar.
The result of the research shows that period 2009 the income tax revenue of Karanganyar is rise than 2008.
The conclusion of this research are tax alteration for personal and corporation can increase the income tax revenue of Karanganyar regency period 2009, and caused by raising an obedient tax payment, ekstensification, and extra effort.
Based on the result of research, the researcher gives a suggestion that KPP Pratama, personal, and corporation must have cooperated to increase the income tax revenue of Karanganyar Regency.
Keywords: The Income Tax Revenue