
Public relations and cooperation office of Sebelas Maret University : description and functions

Oleh :
Yusi Rahmawati - C9307097 - Fak. ISIP

ABSTRACT This final project report is written based on the job training, which has been conducted during two months in Public Relations and Cooperation Office, ocated on Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A Kentingan Surakarta 57126. The purposes of final project are to describe and to explain the functions of the Public Relations and Cooperation Office of Sebelas Maret University. Public Relations and Cooperation Office is an institution which maintains mutual communication with internal and external public, having a good cooperation between an organization and its public and involves the management of problem and issue. The functions of Public Relation and Cooperation Office are maintaining good communication between company and its public, maintaining good communication and spreading information from Sebelas Maret University, distributing public opinion to the rector or vice rector IV about Sebelas maret University’s image and activities. From the discussion, it is concluded that Public Relation and Cooperation Office has conducted its role and functions well. However, it still has to work hard o reach its goal. Besides, the Public Relations and Cooperation Office needs to hold a professional work training frequently to improve its professionalism. The Public Relations and Cooperation Office also needs to make the office tidy so it becomes a beautiful office.