
The process of teaching english to the 4th grade students of SDN Kartasura 07

Oleh :
Fitri Mahdawati - C9307122 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT This final project report is written based on the job training that had been done by the writer as an English teacher in SDN Kartasura 07. This final project report discusses the process of teaching English to the fourth grade students of SDN Kartasura 07. The purpose is to describe the process of teaching English in SDN Kartasura 07, including the problems faced by the students and teacher and to find out the solutions for those problems. The data of this final project report were collected through observation, interview, and library study. The observation was done in the process of teaching and learning at the class. The interview was done to the English teacher and the fourth grade students. The library study was emphasized in some books from library. The report finds that although the teacher has made a preparation in teaching English by making a lesson plan and using strategy by giving games, song, and wise words both the students and the teacher are still facing problems in the process of teaching and learning English. The students are difficult in memorizing the vocabularies, pronouncing and reading. The teacher faces a problem in the classroom management, she also finds that the students’ motivation is low and the facility is limited. Those findings suggest that the teacher must teach the Elementary students as well as possible by mastering the four skills of English properly. Then, the teacher has to create the teaching and learning process as a media to provide a good model so that in education there will be not only transfer of knowledge, but also transfer of value.