

Usaha meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar pendidikan kewarganegaraan melalui model cooperative learning di SMA 2 Kudus

Oleh :
Niniek Sri Wahyuni - S810108309 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRACT This research is going to increase motivation and achievement on Learning Civics Education by Cooperative Learning Model at SMA 2 Kudus ( Classroom Action Research for Class X-1 , Academic Year Of 2008 / 2009 ). The subject of the research is the student’s of class X-1 SMA 2 Kudus and involved 40 students . The data collected come from the students , teacher and collaborator. The data are students motivation and the student achievement. The method of collecting the data is done through observation, interview, and test. The research is analyzed in critic analysis descriptive, that is to describe the finding data and compare with certain work indicator. It can be concluded ; 1) Cooperative learning model could increase the students motivation . The fist cycle get score 3,0 ( enough category ) , the second and the third get score 3,53 and 3,63 ( good category ). Beside that the cooperative learning model could increase the learning achievement. The fist cycle on class average 6,85 and reach mastery learning 57,5 % , the second cycle on class average 7,2 and reach mastery learning 87,5 % and the third cycle on class average 89,5 % and full student get mastery learning or 100 %. Keyword : Cooperative Learning, Motivation, Achievement and Civics Education Lesson.