
Teaching English vocabulary using pictures to the fifth grade students of SDN Tugu Jebres no. 120 Surakarta

Oleh :
Himayatus Sholihah - C9306121 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2009. English Diploma Program, faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. This final project is written based on the job training which has been done by the writer in SDN Tugu Jebres No.120 Surakarta. The purpose of this final project is to describe the process of using pictures in teaching English vocabulary and to explain the influences of using pictures in teaching English vocabulary pictures to the fifth grade students of SDN Tugu Jebres No.120 Surakarta. The class activities consisted of four steps based on the lesson plan that was made before. They are: Warming up that was done to make students interested in learning and to introduce the materials. Presentation in which the writer presented the materials by using pictures as visual media in order to explain the material clearly and easily to understand. There are many activities in this part, such as Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading. Skill practice is used to know the students’ progress in the material that has been explained before, and the assessment to evaluate the students’ understanding about the lesson and the writer’s way of teaching. The writer found out the positive effects of using pictures in teaching English vocabulary, these are: the pictures could improve the students’ motivation, the pictures could attract the students’ attention, the pictures help the students to memorize the vocabulary and the pictures make the teaching and learning activities interesting. To improve the quality of English teaching and learning in SDN Tugu Jebres no.120 Surakarta, it is suggested that the English teacher had to create the suitable technique in improving the students’ motivation in learning English vocabulary. SDN Tugu Jebres No.12o surakarta should also provide the teaching media that are useful to support the English teaching process.