
Pembuatan prototype penghitung bis masuk berbasis mikrokontroller At89s51

Oleh :
Febriaji Primadeni - M3306046 - Fak. MIPA

ABSTRACT The prototype bus counter in the function as the countdown entered the bus. This instrument consists of three main components, namely the transmitter and receiver sensors that use ultrasonic sensors, microcontroller circuits, and circuit output in the form of 3-digit display with seven segments. This bus counter while working on then sensor devices transmitting on an object it will be sent to recipients who have passed the sensor into the microcontroller to pass up the counting process and the results of the calculation results released through seven segments. While the sensor receives the signal counting process will be done. This process is repeated continuously and the flow will stop when power is switched off. Keywords: Counter, Microcontroller AT89S5I, Ultrasonic Sensor, Seven Segment