Pelaksanaan Tata Kearsipan Di Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi, Dan Kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Oleh :
Lisa Indriana Gagarin - D1506091 - Fak. ISIP
Archive area plays an important role in development of organization either big or small so that may not be disregarded because regular and orderly archive can assist fluency of activity in an organization to reach their purpose.
Refers to title of the end task, the writer formulated a problem formula to clarified the end task that is how the execution of record keeping, resistances in execution of archival system, and how to overcome in Departement of Labor, Transmigration and Demography. Provinve of Central Java.
In this observation, this writer chooses location in Departement of Labor, Transmigration and Demography. Provinve of Central Java, the objective is to obtain picture about archive exercise. So result of this observation can be useful to writer, readers and also for Departement of Labor, Transmigration and Demography. Provinve of Central Java.
This observation applies descriptive method by using primary data and secondary data. For data observation, writer applies observation and interview. Then data obtained analyzed by using descriptive analytical technique.
Based on observation which has been done, it is knowable that archival management in Departement of Labor, Transmigration and Demography. Provinve of Central Java. started from acceptance and listing of outward letter or admission which have been registered in incoming letter agenda book and outward letter agenda book. Archival storage principle applies mix principle. Principle of archival borrowing is accompanied archival borrowing evidence and keeping emphasized at in-active archive. For reduction and destruction of archive seldom be done. The number of archive officer is limited and seldom be joined seminar about archive. Archival facility has fulfills archival exercise. Thereby execution of archival system in Departement of Labor, Transmigration and Demography. Provinve of Central Java. as a whole have been good enoug