Prosedur pengelolaan arsip statis pemerintah Kota Surakarta di kantor arsip dan perpustakaan daerah Kota Surakarta
Oleh :
Danang Saputro - D1506068 - Fak. ISIP
Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta constitutes activity archives institute that is at Surakarta's City Government. To render task and function at Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta, therefore needs to be done by archives management that corresponds to procedure efficiency reaches that and effectiveness. The importance for still archives management shall be done since remembers archives as source of information for observational, cultural asset, nation memory and as material as job which its information is utilized for decision making material.
In this watch, writer takes title ”Management Procedure Archive City Government Still Surakarta At Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta”. To the effect of observing it is subject to be get Madya's Pro Mention (A. Md.) on Diploma III Program, Social Science and Politics Faculty, Administration Management, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, to know management procedure archives still at Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta, to know emerging constraint deep management archive City Government stills Surakarta at Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta, to know trick settle emerging constraint deep management archives City Government still Surakarta at Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta.
This watch utilize qualitative descriptive method with data source of primary data and secondary data. Data collecting tech is done with observation, interview and library data. Analysis data began by gathers data, doing early analysis of acquired data, doing deeper data digging up if apparently deep analysis it less visceral, the latest stage which is conclusion pull.
Management procedure archives City Government still Surakarta at Office Archives and City Region library Surakarta utilizes Mayor Decree guidance No. 045 / 98 / 1 / 2004 about still archives managements that cover separation document, agglomeration archives, stocktaking archives, hand over archives, settlement and laid up archives, preserve and archives care. In its performing, extant constraint which is settlement and laid up archives was optimal because in its performing archives still just worked by an archivist just. In term preserve and care haven't is equal to since have not utilized equipment that modern as vacum cleaner as cleansing as dust, medium's reducing is electronic as computer, telephone, fan or AC. Therefore, need to mark sense activity equipment increase archives and activity supporter equipment archive.